
From AmtWiki

Fenris Blackwood

Notable accomplishments


  #1 Given by King Sir Trinity and Queen Tangeena Skythasis, Emerald Hills, December 2007
  #2 Given by King Alby EH, March 2011


  #1 Given by Kaiser Sir Morgan Ironwolf, Emerald Hills, June 2008 (memo)


One of the founder's of The Rebels of Blackwood. An Amtgard household started in July 2007 by 3 wayward pirates from the company of Fallen. Having thrown any tabards down and stealing a vessel they went on their merry way and formed their own household. Originally came into the game at Morningwood Glen in Arlington, Tx, but strangely enough went to High School in Duncanville never knowing the heart of her soon to be Kingdom was only blocks away at the original Tanglewood.


Esquire Given by Sheriff Draqoonious at Kings Point in 2011

Affiliated Groups

Sable Pride