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*Player Character Avarice Introduced 5-17-09.
*Player Character Avarice Introduced 5-17-09.
*Recorded Game Days: 2
*Attended Official Game Days: 2
*Recorded Fighter's Practice Days: 2
*Attended Official Fighter's Practice Days: 2

Revision as of 03:13, 23 May 2009

Avarice, of Crying Heavens, Neverwinter

Pedro Fuentes!

Class Level

Level 1 Barbarian


True Neutral

Something to understand about Avarice

The being known as Avarice has multiple personalities (which your character wouldn't know unless he/she concluded that from interacting with him) Just so you know, the typical thing to see Avarice doing is talking to himself, saying things out loud that have nothing to do with what's going on, and may seem to your character as if he is suddenly a different person with a different attitude and tone of voice from one instant to the other.


  • Person who plays Avarice began Amtgard 5-9-09.
  • Player Character Avarice Introduced 5-17-09.
  • Attended Official Game Days: 2
  • Attended Official Fighter's Practice Days: 2


Although he is mainly a person who will sneak up on you and stab you from an exposed area, Avarice is good at tactics and getting things done. He likes to be far away and use a bow, but when he gets the chance, he will turn to melee. He tends to not run away if there is a good chance he will survive a fight. Although he is a Barbarian, he isn’t normally ruthless in the actions he takes. He seems to have alternate personalitys… or is he the alternate personality. It is not uncommon to find him talking to himself and changing his voice and attitude suddenly as if he had become a different person.

The transition from his coward-like strategies to a man worthy of battle is one that is still an ongoing process for the character development of Avarice.

Avarice has learned that the strategy that has proven to have the best results so far is to be somewhat of a “Joker”

Although he considers himself to be neither on the side of good nor bad, he usually sides with the ones who consider themselves good, mainly because he finds them to be less disgusting.

The beings currently identified in the singular entity known as Avarice

  • Avarice: Light hearted, "Joker", admirer of Pedro Fuentes. This is the individual who admired Pedro Fuentes from a young age and followed him up to his nineteenth year.
  • Alter Ego (No name): A serious and straight forward, although extremely cautious individual. This is the person who keeps the others within him from being killed most of the time. This man is in psychology terms the "Ego" that ultimately listens to the "Superego"
  • Father: An alternate personality in Avarice, but unknown to him. He is a weapon smith that takes pride in all of his creations and regards them as works of art. He will only make a weapon for someone if he has judged them to be worthy, and will only give them a specific weapon that will be suitable for them. To do this, he must also have trust in the person.

Garb and Equipment

his current attire (Garb) includes a pancho shirt and pants both made from tiger hide his typical posessions are a white pouch in his left pocket with seeds that were dipped in different colored inks that he uses to lay out on the ground and strategize with, a pouch on his right pocket that holds his friend or foe die of chance, as well as the currency that he holds (if any), and a strange artifact-like necklace with "BELOVED" inscribed into it

ofcourse it is needless to mention the multiple weapons Avarice variates from. Sometimes he dozes off from reality for a moment and ends up with a weapon he has never seen before in his hand. Avarice lives a fairly interesting life...

The throwing weapons Avarice use are either purchased or collected through the battle field and placed in a pouch that he hand made using leather (the actual material is duct tape wrapped around a cut ziplock bag, and the closing flap is duct tape wrapped around a paper towel), which can more or less carry six throwing weapons. (this doesn't mean I actually do so out of character, it's just the explanation to where his throwing weapons in game come from)

Ongoing Chronicle

Avarice is a follower of a single man; a man among men. This man’s name is Pedro Fuentes. Throughout Avarice’s childhood beginning at age six, he has followed Pedro Fuentes as best as he could. If it was virtually possible for Avarice to follow him, he would definitely be no farther than thirty feet away from Pedro Fuentes; ever watching his acts of manliness, breathing in the influence that comes from simply watching Pedro Fuentes. However, at a certain point at age 19, his hero had not been seen for nearly a week. Avarice grew worried and greatly wanted to know where Pedro Fuentes had gone, for he knew that he was not nearly as strong as he should be if he were to match even a small fraction of Pedro Fuentes’ strength, and without his hero, he felt he could not hope to progress in his learning. On the seventh day of Pedro Fuentes’ absence, during a time slightly past noon, a portal had opened before Avarice’s eyes and out came his hero, Pedro Fuentes. Pedro Fuentes seemed quite frustrated, even more so than he usually is. He called out to Avarice and spoke of the land that had befouled his patience and endurance for such horribly non-combat worthy stupidity (in the words of Pedro Fuentes) in the natural laws of battle. He had told Avarice that it was below him (Pedro Fuentes) to train in such a land; however, it was a perfect opportunity for Avarice to finally gain some true training in combat. During this entire time, Pedro Fuentes was effortlessly holding the magical portal so that it could not close. It was as if Pedro Fuentes had said screw (altered word to prevent foul language) you to magic and dominated its own laws by using his own non-magical hands to hold open that which was pure magic. With that, Pedro Fuentes put his mighty hand on Avarice’s shoulders and ordered him to dominate the plain with his own strength; this was the first time Pedro Fuentes had ever touched him. However, it was cut short when Pedro Fuentes shortly lifted Avarice, took his meal which was a burger fit to Pedro Fuentes’ liking and then effortlessly threw him into the portal before letting go of it so that it may close. With that, Pedro Fuentes proceeded to eating the hamburger and walked off. So begins Avarice’s adventure in the land of Amtgard, Neverwinter.

(The next story below called "Beloved Father" is a story that tells a pastlife of the alternate personality "Father" in the being known as Avarice. This is not something that happened in the current time of Amtgard, but something that had happened as a prelude to the present)