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A [[freehold]] [[chapter]], located in Concord, California that is active and looking for more people to play but not yet joined with Amtgard. The shire is still very young  but is always recruiting more people with open arms. Be prepared for their uprising.
A [[freehold]] [[chapter]], located in Concord, California that is active and looking for more people to play but not yet joined with [[Amtgard]]. It all began in a fencing club at Clayton Valley High where Frank Bruketta the teacher in charge of the fencing club had shown his students these strange foam swords that you could actually attack people with. He told his students about the game of Amtgard and now here they are today as a young [[Shire]] with great ambitions and goals to fill in the world of Amtgard. The shire is still very young  but is always recruiting more people with open arms.

Revision as of 00:59, 4 August 2009

A freehold chapter, located in Concord, California that is active and looking for more people to play but not yet joined with Amtgard. It all began in a fencing club at Clayton Valley High where Frank Bruketta the teacher in charge of the fencing club had shown his students these strange foam swords that you could actually attack people with. He told his students about the game of Amtgard and now here they are today as a young Shire with great ambitions and goals to fill in the world of Amtgard. The shire is still very young but is always recruiting more people with open arms.


Diablo's Caldron.jpg


As young boys growing up in a small village in the forests of Neldoreth in the land of Bereliand with only their mother to look after them, Auro had always been the quiet one as Durham the adventurous one enrolled in Silver Claw Academy, Auro found himself becoming somewhat of a lone wolf. He spent much of his time in the woods training with sticks and learning the ways of nature. One day as Auro went to greet Durham from the end of his classes he found out that Durham decided to drop out of the school because it wasn't exciting enough. They arrived upon their village in flames. They rush to their home to find that their youngest brother Windir has disappeared. Auro and Durham rush into the woods taking only their father's spear and shield.

They wandered the forest surviving off berries and deer meat. Until Durham wanted to go back to his academy to seek help from a friend named Lampo. Auro tries to convince him that they must continue searching for Windir on their own but Durham insists that he must return to the school and find his companion.

Durham takes his father's weapon and shield and before he leaves he grants Auro a staff he made for him and a rusty throwing dagger as gifts so Auro would be able to defend himself while traveling across the land. Auro turns his back to Durham and goes off continuing to search for Windir on his own while Durham travels back to the academy. Auro after about a week of being lost, collapsed in a small meadow from exhaustion and was on the tip of death.

But it was not the end. Auro awoke in a camp of a small battalion of refugee fighters. He was greeted by a fair woman named Epica along with a small man, a priest healer named Sir Heelzalot who turned out to be a hobbit. Epica told Auro of how she found him laying in the woods and brought him back to this camp and was revived by Heelzalot. As of now Auro gave up the thought that he would find his little brother Windir and believed now that he was probably dead and would wait at this camp in hopes that Durham would find him.

Years past now and the camp had turned into a Shire with no name as of yet. Auro became much stronger and more skilled in the ways of the Scout and often defended the shire with Epica and the other fighters against invasions. But word soon reached Auro's ears of a shadow in the east and the uprising trouble of Barbarian clans appearing all over the region including one with a champion no man has yet to bring down. Auro being the Champion of his Shire desired to find this Barbarian Champion and challenge him. Epica wished for him not to go but she could not change his mind so she is forced to go with to protect him.

While walking through the moonlit woods at night Epica senses a danger above the trees. The taps of light feet on branches can be heard swooping through the canopy. Then dropping swiftly down through the trees an Assassin kicks Epica knocking her down to the ground in a daze. The Assassin takes his fighting form and faces Auro and they lay on. After a quick battle and a few strong blows with Auro's staff the Assassin falls to his knees now with Auro's dagger near his neck. Auro releases him and goes to help up Epica. The Assassin stands with a shamed look on his face. Auro asks what was the meaning of his attack and the Assassin replied that he only killed others so that he could survive by looting the bodies of his victims for food or gold for he was an outcast of his people and only took with him his sword which became the closest thing to him. He revealed his name to be Nightmare. He apologized deeply to Auro and Epica and begged Auro to take him under his wing to train him and also give him shelter and food. So Auro dubbed Nightmare his apprentice. They rested for the night and at day break embarked back on their journey together.

A few days past when in the air Epica smelt the scent of burning corpses. The three looked through a brush onto a field covered in raggedy leather and fur tents and big, burly, dirty men burning the bodies of slain soldiers, women and children. And in the midst of it all holding a torch up high and a head in the other shouting a warrior chant was this tall, blood stained man with a skull hanging down from his neck on a necklace, Auro knew that he must be the Champion Barbarian. As they hid in the bushes the Barbarian sniffed something in the air and turned towards the brush where Auro was hiding. Then his eyes widened and he started to stomp quickly over to where Auro was until he reached the brush and Auro fell backwards and as he tried to stand up a great, big foot slammed on Auro's chest and lunged the tip of his long sword at Auro's chest. But just before he could stab him he looked at the face of Auro and threw his weapon aside and lifted Auro up. This Barbarian was Windir, Auro's long, lost brother. Epica and Nightmare came over to meet him but just as they did all the other Barbarians rushed toward and surrounded them all yelling for Windir to kill the three. Windir denied their request and they became furious for the Champion is to kill all who oppose the clan. The Barbarians took it as treason and lunged toward Windir. But out of the crowd came two Barbarians who defended Windir for they were his close friends Alden and Barney. As they fended off the Barbarians Windir, Auro, Epica and Nightmare rushed forward and finished off the rest of the group. Now Windir and Auro are reunited after all these years but now Durham is still somewhere out in the wilderness.

The fellowship of six returned back to the Shire but as they were about to enter the encampment they noticed two figures in the forest coming towards them slowly. As they peered closer they saw that it was two men one being a wandering Assassin named Ciemny and Durham limping with his arm over Ciemny's shoulder battle scared and wounded. Auro runs over to him and asks what happened to him and why he has been gone so long. Durham tells that he has been off fighting with his friend Lampo who now adopted the name Silver Claw in memory of his fallen colleagues, for the academy had been obliterated by a force of shadow and flame. Durham and Silver Claw had been tracking a small enemy force of demon like beings to a giant, dormant volcano. As the two snuck around inside they looked down over a cliff down into a deep cavern with a vast array of tunnels stretching down into the dark with thousands of hideous and dark creatures and monsters going in and out of the holes with weapons and armor. Durham and Silver Claw had made their way to what seemed like a throne room crafted out of black obsidian rock and in the seat sat a hooded, shadowy figure twice the size of a normal man, the ancient books at Silver Claw Academy had described a demon king and throne room of the same description. There was no doubt in Durham's mind that he and Silver Claw were the first ever to enter Diablo's lair. Diablo consulting with two robed, dark creatures, all three turned immediately towards Durham and Silver Claw. The two creatures uncloaked themselves showing their grotesque faces and bodies with twisted weaponry and attacked both of them. It didn't take long for the monsters to knock Durham and Silver Claw aside badly injuring them. The dark lord sitting in his chair laughed and teleported Durham and Silver Claw away outside the volcano. Laying on the ground half dead the two sat there gasping for breath.

Then hours later a friend of Silver Claw, Ciemny appeared out of the woods and immediately recognized Silver Claw and did the best he could to help him and Durham. Afterwards Durham was still in pain but had heard news of Auro's reputation spreading through the land of him fending off attacks in a small Shire to the West so he knew he had to get there as quickly as possible. Silver Claw though still having unfinished business at the ruined Academy left to go pay mends to his fallen friends whom he knew now had died at the hands of Diablo's army. Vengeance filled Silver Claw's heart. He told Durham he would meet him at the Shire once he finished at the school so Ciemny now was helping Durham along to the Shire.

The three brothers Durham, Auro and Windir now realized that the Barbarian clans were part of Diablo's growing army and understood now that their village long ago was pillaged by Diablo's demons and the Barbarian clans from the East. This meant as well that that attack was the cause of their mothers death. Vengeance and sorrow filled the brothers hearts but now they know their objective and that is to destroy Diablo an rid him from the face of the world forever.

Auro said to Durham, Windir and company "Welcome to Diablo's Cauldron."



Contacts and Directions

email Durham at [email protected]

OR email Auro at [email protected]