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Revision as of 04:33, 2 December 2008

Legio VIIII Hispania

The Ninth Legion is a fighting company based in the Freehold of Five Banners, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We welcome new members who are willing to commit to hard and regular physical training with a goal of improving our efficiency as a fighting unit.

Nobody-- absolutely nobody-- beat the Romans when it came to systematically picking an enemy force apart with surgical precision and skill! Our group is based upon one legion in particular, the Roman 9th Spanish Legion, which was formed by Julius Caesar and re-formed by the Emperor Augustus. We focus on group battlefield tactics and study the physical machinery of war.


Even though we're a new group, and still fairly small, the Ninth Legion is organized along a heavily-modified rank structure typical of the early Imperial era:

The commander of the Ninth is the LEGATUS, or legate.

The second-in-command is the PRIMUS PILUS, or senior centurion. This officer's title literally means "first rank" or "first row," but because of the similarity between the Latin words pilus (rank) and pilum (spear), the Primus Pilus was often referred to as the "first spear centurion." The Primus Pilus commands the PRIMUS COHORT, which is usually the smaller of the Legion's two standing cohorts but also contains a majority of its skilled veterans. The Pilus Cohort is often held in reserve or used to augment the Legion's flanks in large battles.

The third ranking officer is the PILUS PRIOR, or second centurion. This title is correctly translated "second rank," but the Pilus Prior was also called the "second spear centurion." The Pilus Prior commands the PRIOR COHORT, which is the larger of the Legion's two cohorts but also contains the majority of its new recruits.

If the Legion's numbers permit, additional cohorts may be organized and placed under the temporary command of 'acting centurions' for the duration of a specific event or battlegame. Under these rare circumstances, such units would be designated:

  • The PRINCEPS COHORT, under the command of a PRINCEPS PRIOR or "citizen centurion."
  • The HASTATUS COHORT, under the command of a HASTATUS PRIOR or "phalanx centurion".

Generally speaking, when these units are formed, the Princeps Cohort should be made up of more-experienced Legionaries (falling somewhere between the Primus Cohort and the Prior Cohort in size and fighting ability). The Hastatus Cohort should be manned entirely by raw recruits, or even by auxiliaries or allies who are not full-fledged members of the Ninth Legion.

Every centurion may, at his or her option, designate another member of their Cohort to serve as its OPTIO, a senior enlisted soldier capable of commanding the Cohort in their absence.

New Legionaries serve a six-month probationary period, during which they are known as TRIRONES LEGIONARII and are usually assigned to the Primus Pilus Cohort. After the probationary period has ended, Legionaries are elgible for promotion to MILITES LEGIONARII and can be assigned to any standing Cohort.

In addition to the ranks given above, there are also three appointed positions within the Ninth. The AQUALIFER, or standard bearer, is selected by the Legatus and is responsible for internal and external communication and record-keeping. The IMMUNES, or equipment specialist, is selected by the Primus Pilus and coordinates the construction and maintainence of any equipment needed by the Legion. The PRAEFECTUS, or camp commander, is selected by the Pilus Prior and is responsible for event logistics. In camp, all three individuals report directly to the Legatus; on the battlefield, each of these people reports to the officer who appointed them.

In theory, here is what our chain of command looks like-- though this command structure wasn't ever supposed to be perfectly linear on the battlefield:

Command Officers

1. Legatus Legio

2. Primus Pilus Centurii

3. Pilus Prior Centurii

4. Princeps Prior Centurii (if applicable)

5. Hastatus Prior Centurii (if applicable)

Support Officers

6. Aqualifer Legionarii

7. Optio Primus Legionarii

8. Optio Prior Legionarii

9. Optio Princeps Legionarii (if applicable)

10. Optio Hastatus Legionarii (if applicable

11. Immunes Legionarii

12. Praefectus Legionarii

Rank and File

13. Milites Legionarii

14. Trirones Legionarii


The Ninth Legion was formed under the auspices of MARS CAPRIOCIEGUS, a Romanized version of the Iberian storm-god Capriociegus. The Legion's dedication to a god of thunderstorms and warfare reflected Julius Caesar's military doctrine of swift and total warfare, and it also reflected the Legion's dual Spanish and Roman heritage.

The Legion's motto is "Mercy is the child of Severity." This motto is signified in Latin numerology by the number nine, written in Roman numerals as 'VIIII.'

The Legion's emblem is the bull. Centered on the legion's banner is a bull surmounted by a pair of floating wings; just above are the words, "LEG VIII HISP," and just below are the words, "EX PINNATA CASTRA" ("From the Empire's wings"). The short-hand Latin phrase, "VINC IN NOM CAE" appears at the very bottom of the banner-- "Conquer in Caesar's Name."

  • The Primus Cohort's motto is "The strength of One is the strength of the Many." This motto is signified in Latin numerology by the number nine, written in Roman numerals as 'IX.' The Primus Cohort typically carries a SIGNUM, or ceremonial pole, in formation. This SIGNUM is topped with an open hand.
  • The Prior Cohort's motto is "One must also abide by the Justice he makes." This motto is signified in Latin numerology by the number nine, written in Roman numerals as 'VIV.' The Prior Cohort's SIGNUM is topped with a spear-tip and wreath.


Founded in 2007 by Maccalus Caerwent Ex.


Maccalus - Legatus Legio

Alby Kazan - Primus Pilus Centurii

Malran Singollo - Pilus Prior Centurii

Connor Sleight - Triorones Militarii

Online Record-Keeper (O.R.K.)