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Man At Arms, Draugr the Hel-Blar Wraith, of Mystic Seas Blackspire

”Mine øyne vil kjøre deg gal”



Listen deeply children, and hear the tale of the fallen Krigsherre, and the sorrow of his grave. Many battles he

fought and won, besting man and beast in search of a worthy foe to offer him the true honor of death and his

place beside his Fathers in Valhalla. But lo! His family took ill at the hands of a sinister plague! In the biting

cold of Winter's teeth, his line took pale and suffered greatly. In the longest nights he watched as first his wife,

Freya, and then his children, Krake and Bjornan were consumed by this shadow. In grief and rage, he called for the

gods to bring him back his sons and sweet Freya, but they were cold and dead as the stones they lay upon. In

blodtørst from the loss of his line, he cast the embers of his hearth into the thatch of his home, and brought it

flaming to the earth. In the inferno, the village could hear his cries as he used his sword to open his heart.

As his home and all possessions had been lost to the fire, there could be no death door constructed to usher him

out, and no goods to honor his trip to Valhalla. Thus the men of his clan brought to him a bed of yew and oak with

copper fastening to carry him forth to the pyre. Upon his bed the rune casters wrote the marks of honor and life,

hoping to bring peace to his darkened body. But the Krigsherre had lost his heart, and peace was not for him. Along

the road from town to the Krigsherre's ship, there lay in wait a band of Saxon under the order of their king, come

to reclaim his body for bounty. They waited for the dark to fall, and cast their arrows to the stars, cutting down

the men whom carried the Krigsherre. As the Saxon men approached, they saw the Azure burning glow of swamp fire in the

eyes and hole of his heart of the Krigsherre. Fearing loss of profit more then life, the men brought the

Krigsherre's body up the mountain to descend to the waiting ships. Many then heard a whisper in their souls, calling

for their blood. The voice called forth their secrets and cut into their souls, leaving them naked and screaming to

their Christian god. Then from the sky, at the crest of the mountain, there came a mighty storm, and from it a

single bolt of lightning, rending the earth, and casting the Saxon men down to the rocks. Into this Chasm, the

Krigsherre fell - into a hole black as night without moon, and here he lay for years, calling forth to any who came

close, and driving them to leap off the cliffs to the rocks below...

Many years passed, and there came a traveling man of mysterious portent. Some say he was Monk, others say he was a

Bard, And still more claim him a Wizard. The only true knowledge that can be found is that he was called Dalamar,

and he was strong in Magic. Dalamar heard the Krigsherre whispering beneath the rock, and called down words of power

to his resting site. Dalamar carved the runes for life and power on the grave wall and cast crystals upon the grave

dirt calling forth the Krigsherre as a Draugr, cloaked in the black of death, to fight for his house of men and his

God Baccvs... To this day, the Draugr fights for Baronet Dalamar and his Fellow Lords Blapticus Le Terni, and Leto

Theodopalus in the Black Hand... A fitting place for the Blacked soul of the Krigsherre...

Affiliated Groups

Black Hand

Belted Family


Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

* me3.jpg

More Information

  • Personal Website [1]
  • Company Website[2]