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==The Black Legion Of Caesar==
==Legion XXI "Blood Moon" AKA The Black Legion Of Caesar==
''”Tantum nex officium terminus”''
''”Tantum nex officium terminus”''
''”Only in Death does Duty End”''
''”Only in Death does Duty End”''

Revision as of 22:29, 7 September 2011

Legion XXI "Blood Moon" AKA The Black Legion Of Caesar

”Tantum nex officium terminus” ”Only in Death does Duty End”

71159 160517823990403 2222864 n.jpg

The Symbol of the Legion is a double-headed eagle, which presents Rome, and the past and future. Behind the Eagle is the red moon, which represents the coming of Mars.


After Caesar conquered his enemies and took control of Rome, he had called upon one of his officers that was getting a popular following among the Soldiers of Rome, and the Emperor saw the Officer as a threat to his reign, even though Caesar himself was blessed by the gods. So in order to rid himself of this problem, he formed Legio XXI, with the officer. as the Legion's Prefect. The Legion was formed by Veterans of the Tenth and Eight Legions, augmented by other soldiers that where not wanted by their Legates. Quickly, the nickname "Caesar's Black Legion" was tagged to the XXI, and Caesar then offically dubed the XXI, "The Black Legion of Caesar". A massive navel fleet was built by using lumber from newly conquered Gaul, and The Legion was sent on a mission to find out where the Atlantic Ocean ended. After months of sailing, The Legion found itself in the Relem of Amtgard, and started making claims in the name of Caesar.

The Legion prides itself in both the strength of the individual fighter, and the ability to fight as a team. Magic is tolerated, but not prefered.

Uniforms The Legion has two approved uniforms, a summer and winter version. The Summer Uniform, is a off-white sleevless tunic, with red trim. The Winter is a tunic with sleeves, colored Black with red trim. Both tunics hang past the knee, but when a belt is worn over the tunic, it sits above the knee. With both uniforms, a belt and bracers must be worn. When fighting as a Legion, each Legionary's sheild has a red cover, with the gold eagle and black lighting bolts.

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