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===Will the next Rising Winds monarch help Western Gate?===
|reason=outdated information, links to the same
|date=April 2016
At the end of next month, a new monarch of the [[Rising Winds]] will be crowned.  Many wonder:  How will the new monarch shape the future of [[Western Gate]]?
*[[7.5 Rule book Release (Article)]]
*[[He What! (RP Article)]]
*[[Triple Midreign in the CK (Article)]]
*[[Lions and Warriors]]
*[[The Northern Empire (Article)]]
*[[Will the next Rising Winds monarch help Western Gate? (Article)]]
*[[Clan 26; the 25th Anniversary (Article)]]
*[[Thunder Rivers Althing (Article)]]
*[[Rakis 2008 (Article)]]
*[[Great Eastern X (Article)]]
*[[Feast of Fools 2008 (Article)]]
*[[Northern Invasion]] (Article) - Westmarch invades... itself!
[[Western Gate]], a large duchy in St. Louis, Missouri, has more than enough members for Kingdom.  The reaction to their bid, when brought up to the Circle of Monarch's meeting, was one of "Curiousity and Apathy", according to the RW representative, [[Clyde]].
"They asked how it would affect the Rising Winds,"  Clyde said,  "But most of them will not be voting on it next year so there was a general sense of apathy."
This is because of a more recent rule that states a kingdom cannot be voted on the same year it was proposed.  Thus, Western Gate was proposed this year of 2008, and it will be voted on next year of 2009.
Therefore, while it's worth mentioning that this reign's upcoming monarch won't have as much impact as the next upcoming monarch; who's in charge for the next 6 months could very will have a surprisingly large influence.
With that said, there are three candidates for the next Monarch of the Rising Winds:  [[Kathrynn St. James]], [[Thorvald]], and [[Tusocks]].
Kathrynn is from [[Phoenix Tears]], a Duchy in Springfield, IL.  It's said to be "on the border, split 50/50" between WG and RW.  Kathrynn is a Big Fish in PT, and is well known throughout the kingdom.  She's been the Kingdom Prime Minister twice, and has been in charge of many recent kingdom A&S competitions.
When asked about the impact Western Gate will have on the Rising Winds if they become a kingdom (and vice versa), she replied with:
"I don't know.  I know that when WG becomes a Kingdom I will be attending both kingdoms' events - unless they are scheduled over each
other's events, or if they schedule over [[Discord]].  We will probably lose a few of Western Gates members at the RW Kingdom events, but probably not significantly, since the ones that usually come also do a lot of amt-traveling, and are likely to be in positions of authority, where taking a break and being at a nearby kingdom level event where they don't have to care about the Althings, COMs, COKs, and Internal politics might be quite needed.  But that is a ways off.
It isn't going to happen this reign, and it is unknown how many parks will want to go be part of the Kingdom of Western Gate."
[[Thorvald]] is a member of Blackfire Pass, and the only knight on the list running for monarch.  While this will be his first kingdom position, he has held many offices in his home chapter.  Furthermore, this reporter has heard many good things said about this man.
When asked the same question as Kathrynn, he replied with:
"I feel that Kingdom status is a major step in any group's existence. It will definitely have an impact on both groups (theirs and ours). The actual effects will depend on how the people, in charge of each group, react to the obstacles that arise.
I have full faith in the members of Western Gate. Most of them grew up with us, and I consider them friends.
I would work diligently with them (with ideas similar to what [[Tanath]] already posted) to ensure both groups cross-pollinate to keep all of us close, and make each others' events better by keeping numbers as high as possible.  Will the numbers go down at any given event? Possibly.
Will numbers go up at other events?  Also, possible.
It is nearly impossible to speculate on the specifics, but I'm optimistic that both groups will help each other out when and where they can to make any given event the best it can be."
[[Tusocks]] has also not held a kingdom office, and was unavailable for comment.  However, I can make my own speculation of her; there are two qualities that follow Tusocks around like a bad penny:  Passion, and Controversy.
Tusocks is FROM Western Gate and would, without question, aid them into Kingdom Status.  However, this could be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how she reacts to being monarch.  It's said that being the monarch of the Rising Winds; a kingdom that, without question, uses just as much, if not more, drama as glue as any other long standing amtgard kingdom, is one of the most stressful voluntary positions one can have.  When [[Warbird]] was Monarch, it is said that the phone bill his first month was around $300-$500 dollars.
If Tusocks, as queen, were to react negatively to said stress, she could make it MUCH harder for Western Gate to regain it's reputation by next Clan.
On the other hand, Tusocks is very passionate about her home chapter. If she were to become queen and maintain a positive attitude, then she would probably help pave WG's kingdom status well more than the other two monarch candidates.
It's said that the Rising Winds is spoiled.  As the largest kingdom in Amtgard (about a 6 hour drive from it's center to it's farthest point in any direction), we get about 300+ people every event; about as much as most inter-kingdom events.  It's said that when places that have spawned from the Rising Winds; such as the [[Frostlands]], [[Western Gate]], etc.  Decide to become kingdoms of their own, that the RW will see a decrease in their gargantuan event numbers; and many members of the populace find this unacceptable.
Though possible solutions have been found to this end-- such as WG and RW sharing event locations... many more people believe that more chapters breaking off and growing in this way would more greatly benefit amtgard as a whole, and all three candidates for monarch seem to believe the same.
Thus, it is this reporter's opinion that Kathrynn and Thorvald would definitely help Western Gate, and Tusocks could really make or break them.
====Clan 26; the 25th Anniversary====
If shared experience is the glue that keeps Amtgard a float, this clan's mud and wet will stick us together until the 30th anniversary. 
For reports on the flooding check this [http://www.krqe.com/ website]. So far one Fatality have been reported in the City of Riodoso. But Most everyone from the clan group has checked in. Many people have lost their tents, gear and in at least one case their car.  [[Balthier|One Amtgarder]] was believed to be missing, but has been located safe with friends in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
See [[Exodus of the Clans 2008]] for personal accounts, or visit Esam's [http://www.electricsamurai.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=14351 good, bad and ugly] thread.
[http://kob.com/article/stories/S525369.shtml?cat=504&v=1&articleID=7626 Interview] with Amtgarders about the flooding.
*[http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b15/Alucarddraconis/Clan%202008/ Pics] by [[Alucard]].
*[http://good-times.webshots.com/album/564525341hFfEpL?vhost=good-times&action=refreshPhotos&albumID=564525341&security=hFfEpL Pics] by [[Alyin]]
*[http://www.caamtgard.com/photos/main.php?g2_itemId=11080 Pics] by [[Thistledown]]
*[http://www.flickr.com/photos/slyddur/sets/72157606411922575/ Pics] by [[Slyddur]]
*[http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q90/ChristinaB18/Amtgard/Clan%202008/ pics] by [[Little Raven]]
*[http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b30/Talisin/Amtgard/Clan08/ Pics and Videos] by [[Talisin]] 
*[http://s262.photobucket.com/albums/ii109/Itsari77/Clan%202008/ pics] by [[Itsari]]
*[http://s169.photobucket.com/albums/u214/Lindenpublic/Clan%202008/ out of order] pics by [[Linden]]
'''From the CoM Meeting.'''
*The [[Kingdom Boundries Proposal]] was passed 12 to 1 [[Crinos]] opposing.
*[[Rath]] was elected to the position of [[Rules Committee Advisor]], for the next two years.
*The new version of the [[Dor Un Avathar]] was accepted 12 to 1 [[Margul]] opposing.
*[[Desert Winds]] was accepted as a Kingdom of Amtgard 13 of 13.
*[[Western Gate]] presented their bid for kingdom status for next year.
*[[Northern Lights]] sorta presented their bid. [[Gameface]] did his best, but was tragically uninformed since he wasn't actually a member of the group but instead the [[Blackspire]] Rep.
====Thunder Rivers Althing====
A recent incident at the Barony of [[Thundering Rivers]], a chapter under the Rising Winds, resulted in a visit from King [[Clyde]] and an emergency Althing, where he berated the park in hopes of giving them a sense of urgency to improve.
The incident in question is when their (now former) Prime Minister, Clayr, stabbed another park member with a pen after some minor harassment.  The victim's name was Casey, and he was not seriously injured.
"I'm not here to talk so much about what happened Last Sunday," announced Clyde to begin the Althing, "I'm here to talk about what's been happening at this park for the last two years.  This place has been a prime source of drama that needs to stop.  People out of Kingdom know about this park; it's a laughing stock, really.  You are very close to getting kicked out of The Rising Winds."
He offered everyone a chance to speak.  It was soon known that there were several issues going on at the park; primarily, a rift between the cult-like following of [[Lucien Firethought]], and a larger group whose members are more familiar with how an amtgard chapter is ideally run, but who lacked definitive leadership and organization.  This was the cause of constant in-fighting, drama, and problems that extended beyond the bounds of the Rising Winds.
These issues spawned many things that Clyde warned would be red flags. Among which was the shadiness in which the credits were entered into the ORK (something this reporter was an eyewitness to), in which several members would get 3+ credits on a normal park day.
"I will break your park."  Clyde proclaimed.  "I could drive over here every weekend, and turn it into a ditch park.  You will have 5 people in attendance every week, I guarantee you."
Clayr was indeed banned for her attack on Casey, but this was a very brief discussion.
After the althing, the current Monarch, Stefan, walked about 200 feet away from where most of the park was gathered.  He then proceeded to talk to what was assumed to be [[Lucien Firethought]] on his phone for approximately one hour, much to the berating of [[Varas]].
The general populace of Thundering Rivers, following this althing, were given a much-needed drive to better their park.  The new PM, [[Ardara]], quickly gave the park a credit audit for the last 6 months; basically deleting all credits and reentering them according to the sign in sheets she had.  A second althing was announced two Sundays from the first; it is heavily rumored that this one will attempt to take Stefan out of office.
Staying later in the park day, this reporter noticed a lot of friendship and comradery among the park's members that were not associated with the aforementioned 'cult', one that was befitting of a true park.  It is my hope that these members will be able to overcome all of the drama and hardship that they will have to go through to get their park back on track. -[[Kaads]]
====Rakis 08====
A brief synopsis of Rakis.
Showed up about 10pm Wed evening. I coasted through the gate process in style with my Amtcard!
Thursday ditching was fun.
Friday Ditching was better.
Saturday jugging was jugging with the usual run of emotions but the fighting seemed quite clean from my perspective.
I missed the battle games due to assisting with various things like feast and what not. Dragon said the main battle game was ok but a bit out of whack and unbalanced.
Dragon also got his monster on for the RP tavern and said that was a good time.
Lit ditching at Rakis is not what it used to be. I don’t think I saw a body on the field and that is a sad thing.
For me Rakis is a chance to visit our parent kingdom, see numerous friends and make new ones. On that front Rakis did not disappoint. Additionally it is a chance for me to help out from time to time without the pressure of making sure the event runs smoothly. I take my hat off to the individuals who busted their butts so I could kick it and enjoy.
I recognize that the cost of gas is impacting the travel to events and this clearly has an impact on attendance. Yet we still managed to see people drive from both coasts to make this event. For me the event was that much better both the Florida and California gangs each made the event more enjoyable.
For a memorable top ten search ESam for: http://www.electricsamurai.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13857
'''A few highlights:'''
*[[Zumat]] and his irrational fear of the BK King manifesting in BK crowns the whole weekend culminating in his capture at his court by the King himself.
*[[Folcwin]] in his fabulous emerald green getup.
*[[Wolf Camp]]
*The hill
*[[WU Tang]]
*[[RP Tavern]] and [[ditch field]] keeping peeps happy.
As [[Desert Winds]] evolves from a [[principality]] under the amazing leadership and support of the [[Iron Mountains]] to our own collective of dedicated individuals and hopefully our own kingdom very soon. [[Rakis]] will always be one of those events I look forward to. Lets face it cutting my teeth on [[IK]] events and making a number of friends that make the effort to travel and visit us has really made this an event not to miss for me and my clan.
====Great Eastern X====
[[Great Eastern]] X is, in the words of [[Aiyana Tishir]], the "Phoenix Event"; and I can think of no better way to describe it. This event, one that when the O'crats arrived was burning in flames of miscommunication, insufficient funding, and low morale, rose to become one of the most memorable events for any of us.
Within the first 24 hours of the event, the Autocrat had quit, we didn't have enough money to cover the event due to low attendance, players were talking about driving home to get to their field in time for normal Amtgard, and the owner of the site had informed us that we should have no one else set up camp as we would likely be expelled Saturday Morning due to numerous complaints. This was certainly not a good way to start things off.
A brief meeting of concerned individuals took place in the wee hours of Saturday Morning regarding what should be done about the problems noted above. Forming a plan, Team "Get Smurf Done" sprung into action. A meeting was called for all Amtgarders in attendance where new rules were laid down, rules that led to a change from 'numerous complaints' to '0 complaints' for the remainder of our time at Stony Fork.
The next hurdle to overcome was the lack of funding. Due to the expenditure of monies on unnecessary items, such as monogrammed bandanas and live music; essential items, like food for Feast and overhead for the campsite, were unable to be paid based on gate fee alone. A plan was hatched, with [[Kentigern]], [[Serena]], and [[Bowen]] at the wheel of the speeding truck heading for a cliff that was GE at the time.
Through concession snacks and lunches, provided by Feast O'Crats Extraordinaire [[Kentigern]] & [[Serena]]; the Auction, MC'd by [[Bowen]], consisting of the products and services of the best people Goldenvale and Friends has to offer; and last, but certainly not least, the fundraising tournament held by the [[Godstone Fair]]; this reporter is happy (and relieved) to inform the reader that the deficit was eliminated, with some extra funds made to put toward next year in the sincere hope of avoiding similar issues.
Thankfully, the third problem, low morale, was solved by the two steps above. Once the players who attended GE realized that a significant number of those in attendance refused to let the event fail, everyone went about making their own fun. By Sunday, I do believe that everyone went home a little more tired than normal, but with at least one or two good stories to tell. One thing is for sure, [[GE]]X will, for better or worse, never be forgotten.
Thus ends my report, and if I might be so bold, I would like to abuse my power as a reporter to send out a sincere and honest thank you to everyone who stepped up to help the event. From Team Get Smurf Done to those who Auctioned themselves off to those who picked up trash and even to those who bought concessions instead of McDonalds or simply followed the additional rules put in place; you all helped make Great Eastern X a success. Eighty Amtgarders banded together to tell the rest of the Amtgard Community, and perhaps themselves, that Amtgard serves a greater purpose than drinking and hitting each other with sticks. We are a family, and as such, we rose up together and fought off impossible odds to have a profitable and successful event.
There are a lot of people that I would like to thank on an individual level, but doing so would double this already lengthy article. There is, however, one person in particular who went above and beyond to help me out personally, [[Sir]] [[Elizabeth]] of [[Goldenvale]]. Sir Liz was an incredible asset to me without whom I would have collapsed from stress, lack of food, and dehydration. Sir Liz is an exemplary Knight, Amtgarder, and Friend; and I was very lucky to have had someone like her watching out for me.
====Feast of Fools 2008====
We arrived on site around 3 Friday and set up camp.  Nothing much happened until some [[ditching]] later in the evening around 7 or so.  The ditching really got good around midnight with maybe 30-40 people on the line.  There were a couple of injuries and some "special" friends were made.
Saturday morning they held a hangover tourney at 8am.  It was disorganized and many of the people who signed up for it didn't show.  There was another [[tourney]] scheduled for 10, but that was canceled.
The Fools War happened around noon.  It was supposed to be [[CG]] against everyone else.  It turned out to be everyone else against mostly [[Saracens]].  It was so terribly one sided that I didn't get to throw a single shot, everyone was dead by the time I got to the line.  On the third run our shield wall took a seat and watched the flankers sweep the entire other side.
After the Fools War Sir [[Haggis]] started a pick-up Class battle.  This was fun, but small.
The company battle started around 3 and was run "ditch style".  Our team, 4 Winds plus 2 others, tied for 3rd place.  [[Omega]]; Sirs [[Goliath]], [[Haggis]] and [[Sanchez]]; managed to herd the entire Saracen team, doing more damage than any other group.
Right before feast the rains came.  By the time we got back to the site from showering everything was mud.  Feast was apalling.  The food was cold and the potatoes were raw in some cases.
After [[Court]] they did a Who's Line Is It Anyway game.  This was very funny.  Squires [[Armand]], [[Justice]] and [[Pyro]] were hilarious as well as some [[Wardancer]] guy.  We hung out until 5am then went to bed
Sunday morning showed just how muddy it had gotten.  We packed up and headed home.
All in all the event is what I've come to expect from [[Crystal Groves]].  The events rarely run on time.  The food is sub-par.  The [[event]] is over priced.  Hanging out with your friends is the only reason to go.
Check the [[Template: Event Reporting|Main Page]] for the latest events.
Check the [[Template: Event Reporting|Main Page]] for the latest events.

Latest revision as of 04:31, 4 April 2016

Broom.jpg This article may require cleanup. The specific problem is: outdated information, links to the same. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article if you can. (April 2016)

Check the Main Page for the latest events.