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{{Infobox Amtgarder
#REDIRECT [[Iyra Greycat Iceni]]
|name='''Iyra Decline''' (formerly Pumyra Bloodfangs)
|park=[[Iron Mountains Denver]]
|Kingdom=[[Iron Mountains]]
|belt=[[Sir]] [[Grix]] ([[Knight of the Serpent|Serpent]])}}
==[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Iyra Decline]] the Mostly Mechanical, of the [[Duchy]] of the [[Iron Mountains]]==
After being threatened to be stabbed by a mechanical pencil: ''"You look like a penguin."'' —[[Kota]]
''"I'm a puma, not a penguin!!!"'' —Iyra
Speaking to [[Brennon]]: ''"This is one person whose Amtgard dreams I don't think you can crush. And that's not a challenge, so please don't try!"'' —[[Grix]]
To [[BAMM BAMM|Bamm]]: ''"I love you! I would do anything for you!"'' —Iyra
''"No one feels that way about me!"'' —[[BAMM BAMM|Bamm]]
''"That's bullsh**! You know that that's what it means to be a [[Wolves of Cernunnos|Wolf]], right? You have about a million brothers and sisters who love you and would do anything for you."'' —Iyra
''"You have such a big heart. Unfortunately, being a [[Wolves of Cernunnos|Wolf]] doesn't mean the same thing to everyone as it does to you. We need more people like you in the company."'' —[[BAMM BAMM|Bamm]]
''"You know, every time I've walked by you this weekend, you've been telling someone that you love them."'' —[[Loup De Noir|Loup]]
''cara le gach ainmhí''
(friend to all animals)
Iyra is one of the generation of "born" Amtgarders as the daughter of [[Maldread Bloodfangs|Maldread]] (thus why she had previously adopted the surname of Bloodfangs). She also has a little brother, [[Infernape Blastburn|Infernape]]. In spite of being [[Maldread Bloodfangs|Mal]]'s daughter, she's mostly an event junkie and A&S fiend who enjoys the social aspects of Amtgard. Iyra is working on becoming a more skilled fighter but, honestly, is more likely to be found chatting, glomping unsuspecting Amtgarders, or singing than haunting the ditch field . . . especially after the event of her knee injury (which is in the [[Wolves of Cernunnos|Wolf]] histories as "Pumyra busticates her leg and it wasn't during the hunt!").
===Affiliated Groups===
*[[Wolves of Cernunnos]] ([[Full Wolf]])
*Co-founder of [[Crownscendos]] (Israfeli)
*[[The Goblin Army]] (Triumvir)
*[[Amazons]] (Sister)
*[[Victorious Secret]]
*Clan Greycat (werepuma)
*Founder of [[ThunderCats]] (Pumyra)
*Founder of [[Cutie Mark Crusaders]] (Sweetie Belle)
*[[Amalgam]] (Raven)
*[[Wolf Riders]] (Clan Lashpaw pup)
*[[;Continuance]] (co-founder)
===Belted Family===
[[Sir]] [[Brennon]] ([[Knight of the Sword|Sword]])
*[[Squire]] [[Juju]]
**[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Santiago]]
*[[Squire]] [[Glen]]
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Emma]]
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Kyren]]
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Corsy]]
*[[Sir]] [[Grix]] ([[Knight of the Serpent|Serpent]])
**[[Squire]] [[Orko]]
**[[Squire]] [[Locks]]
**[[Squire]] [[Eronim Faitzhand]]
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Iyra Decline|Iyra]]
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Quinn Siofra]] (inactive)
**[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Evyn]] (inactive)
**[[Woman-at-Arms]] [[Sita]] (inactive)
*[[Sir]] [[Potato]] ([[Knight of the Sword|Sword]])
**[[Squire]] [[Solomon]]
**[[Squire]] [[Bino]]
***[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Bane]]
***[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Screw]]
***[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Tisco]]
****[[Page]] [[May]]
**[[Squire]] [[Raven the Swift]]
***[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Tassadar D]]
***[[Man-at-Arms]] [[Tricky]]
***[[Page]] [[Ezio]]
**[[Squire]] [[Dias]]
===Notable Accomplishments===
*Became a full-fledged member member of the [[Wolves of Cernunnos]] fighting company on Friday, June 13th, 2014 under a full moon after being at the center of a three-way, three-part challenge for sponsorship between [[Feldon]], [[Trillyon]], and [[Azrael]]
**With regard to the challenge: First, [[Feldon]] beat [[Trillyon]] at chess, then [[Azrael]] beat [[Feldon]]; then, at the chili cookoff, [[Azrael|Az]] scored one point with his red chili while [[Feldon]] scored one point with his green chili; finally, [[Azrael|Az]] beat [[Feldon]] in the fighting competition—technically, [[Azrael]] won the challenge overall, but he already had [[Onyx]] as a cub, so [[Az]] and [[Feldon]] flipped a coin to determine if [[Trillyon|Trill]] or [[Feldon]] would sponsor Iyra . . . [[Feldon]] won the cointoss, and thus Iyra walked the [[Wolf Circle]] after being presented by him (her original Wolf)!
*Has written an [http://electricsamurai.com/main_page.pl?action=view_article&file=20140624114004-Guests.txt&dir=General article] that was published on [[Electric Samurai|E-Sam]]!
*Scored the killing blow on [[Onyx]] during her first cub hunt—this after literally months and months of promising to do so in spite of [[Onyx]] assassinating at least 12 Wolves and wounding Iyra in her dominant arm, not to mention being one of a hunting party of three Wolves (including [[Suki]] and [[Bowsefuss]]) prowling around trying to find [[Onyx]]!
===A Cat of Many Names===
*At [[Clan]] 2011, Iyra had announced to [[Lyndi]] that she had finally chosen an Amtgard name: Puma. [[Lyndi]] then had a brilliant and fateful idea . . .  To make Iyra a ''ThunderCats'' tunic with a mountain lion instead of the normal ''ThunderCats'' cat. That small comment changed everything for little Iyra, who had never seen ''ThunderCats'' before; she'd always confused it for ''SWAT Kats'', which she loathed, not to mention the fact that the Cats have been around for a whole decade longer than she has! However, that summer a new ''ThunderCats'' happened to premier, and Iyra simply '''ADORED''' this new series in a way that even she had never known before. Let me tell you, that is no small feat! Any [[Iron Mountains Denver|IMD]]er can attest to Iyra's propensity for loving the things she does with all of her being! Thus, she took the name of her favorite heroine, period: Pumyra of the ThunderCats. It only made sense, seeing as she's more in love with pumas and ''ThunderCats'' than anything else! Iyra has also garnered a great many nicknames, most of which she will respond to; Iyra—which was originally given to her by [[Loup De Noir|Loup]]—and Pumy are her favorites. [[Azrael]] also calls her Sheen (short for machine) because he thinks she's a machine on the battlefield . . . when she actually does fight, that is! Iyra loved the nickname so much, she incorporated it into her persona as the title "the Mostly Mechanical".
*At [[Rakis]] 2015, [[Medryn]] handed out angry penguin stickers and only referred to Iyra as "Angry Penguin". This silliness all started because Iyra's favorite memory of [[Kota]] happens to be a park day wherein she had brought her sketch book and was working on ideas for a shield cover she had planned to make for [[Trillyon]]. [[Kota]] had been acting like he was going to mess up her drawing, and so Iyra brandished her mechanical pencil menacingly, promising to stab him should he get too close again. Because Iyra is adorable as all get-out, [[Kota]] just laughed at her and told her she looked like a penguin, to which Iyra screamed at the top of her lungs that she was a puma, not a penguin (does this story sound familiar?). He told Iyra that she was too cute to be a puma, that pumas are scary and she is not, but, if you've ever seen an angry penguin, they're stupid adorable, even when they're pissed off and wrecking other penguin's days (search "penguin bitch slap" on YouTube for evidence). It's still one of the greatest compliments Iyra has ever received to-date, and this was many years ago! So, even all this time later, Iyra still tags [[Kota]] in posts of memes with adorable-as-heck animals that are promising death or threatening pain upon their viewers and asks him if that's about how he sees her when she's angry. [[Medryn]] saw one such post and liked it so much that he briefly renamed her in the [[ORK]] and set up a redirect page here on the [[AmtWiki]]. The joke was shared by many, and [[Whimsey]] even made Iyra a belt favor with a small embroidery of penguins. So, if you ever hear of the legend of the Angry Penguin, now you know!
===Additional Images===
Above: Iyra (far right, gold tunic) receiving her first-ever Amtgard award, a [[Order of the Dragon|Dragon]], for winning 2nd place in the [[Rakis]] 2012 [[Best of the Best]] competition
[[Media:Pumyra_and_Trillyon.jpg|Iyra and Trillyon]]
[[Media:Pumyra_and_Locks.jpg|Iyra and Locks]]
[[Media:Pumyra_and_Az.png|Iyra and Azrael]]
[[Media:Pumyra_and_Onyx.png|Iyra and Onyx]]
[http://ragnhilta.deviantart.com/ deviantART] (Iyra on dA)
[[Category: Man-At-Arms]] [[Category: Second Generation Amtgarders]] [[Category: IMD People]] [[Category: Iron Mountains People]]

Latest revision as of 03:00, 12 June 2017

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