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Squire Marquis Kohaku Umezawa, of Rusty Gauntlet Desert Winds

”A true master is an eternal student.” ~ Master Yi



Kohaku started in the SCA, and moved to belegarth for some years. he found Aamtgard in 2014.

Affiliated Groups

Starfall Vangaurd [1]

Belted Family

Former Squire of Sir Ceowulf

Former Squire of Sir Nidalap Fuzzykins

Former Squire of Sir Drū-Kära Silverblade

Kohaku is now in service as a Squire to Sir Rocky

Notable Accomplishments

Paragon Healer (July 2024)
Paragon Archer (March 2024)
Paragon Reeve (March 2024)
Paragon Monk (June 2023)
Paragon Assassin (December 2019)


Lord (September 2016)
Marquis (March 2024)

{Sir Rocky Beltline}

  • Orkicon2.gif