Winter Moon

From AmtWiki

a defunct Chapter of the Iron Mountains, located in Sudbury, Ontario (Canada)



Listed as a contracted land by the BLBoD, and on Scarhart's listing of chapters from the early 90s. Possibly the earliest known chapter in Canada.

The shire of Wintermoon was originally founded in 1996 under the kingdom of Goldenvale by currently retired player Mestoph of the Tempestarii. Being the first recorded shire in Canada, Mestoph and Wintermoon gained popularity as can be seen in the Editor's Notes in 'Amtgard: a Beginner's Guide' published in 1997.

Due to internal group politics, Wintermoon changed sponsoring kingdoms in 1998 leaving Goldenvale, regrouping under the Empire of the Iron Mountains. Due to continued conflict, Wintermoon disbanded in the early winter of 2003 with the majority of the players regrouping under Wolvenfang.

  • Winter Moon went defunct before the advent of ORK2.