Vive DeCutt

From AmtWiki
Vive DeCutt
378655 355537084463440 294346325 n.jpg


First recorded sign in 02/27/2004


I, Nocturne Karuwhogod as Monarch of the Kingdom of Neverwinter, in agreement with Kingdom Prime Minister Covina Sharpie, do hereby suspend the player known as Vive DeCutt indefinitely from participation in the Kingdom of Neverwinter, effective March 30, 2022. This suspension propogates to all Kingdoms and Freeholds of Amtgard.

Notable Accomplishments

Received the title of Paragon Druid 01/25/2014

Received the title of Paragon Healer 07/19/2008

Received the title of Lord 01/24/2009


4th Order of the Garber

7th Order of the Griffin

2nd Order of the Hydra

1st Order of the Jovious

3rd Order of the Lion

1st Order of the Mask

5th Order of the Owl

7th Order of the Rose

7th Order of the Warrior