User:Tesla Ketsune

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Tesla Ketsune
Citizenship Dragon's Hollow
Kingdom Principality of Winters Edge

Kingdom of Neverwinter

Race Kitsune
Alignment Neutral Choatic
Occupation Nuisance
Class Healer

"Come a little closer, you could be my soldier keeping me safe from all who conspire enemy fire."

Current RP Goals





Strong Leader
Very Honest
Clear and Concise


Easily Distracted
Can be bribed by shiny/sparkly things


Steals Trinkets
Loves flowers
Has a thing for Vashiren Evernight
Never in one place


Aid for the Queens Fairies of Wyld Hunt


Leisure: Fishing
Favorite Drink: Mead
Favorite Snacks: Tomatoes
Favorite Dessert: Soft ice cream
Favorite Meal: Something cooked..Well..Mostly


Will heal you to death

Curious Fox

ExpandThe Beginning
♦There is something aberrant that draws people to light. But for those who have been dwelling in darkness, they have become resistant to its strange. The story for this two tailed fox does not waiver on either side but somewhere in the inexplicable between. Such a spirit, captured with a playful tendency towards the balance, would find herself in the most unexpected adventure...

♦Nothing can draw the creatures of the forest out like the first break of the sun over the horizon. Especially after the frost gifted by the night. Her large ears shiver, breaking the freeze as they unwrapped from her cheeks. She was so certain that if she wasn't to move at all overnight, she'd turn into an ice spirit or better, an ice golem. A huff of displeasure parts her blushed lips as she raises to her feet. Long hair unraveled from her shoulders, falling gracefully towards her knees. Kaleidoscopic eyes adjust to the reflecting white surrounding her as the sun reaches just over the hills. And onward she goes! Though...What woke her this early morning was not the sun. No, it was something far more peculiar.

♦She followed no set path, just the trail left behind by something that didn’t belong. Something that made the air smell funny...Something that made the crows hover above. The ominous clouds of ravens did little to deter this curious fox.

♦Fingers plucked at petals until the path lead into a dense forest. A forest that had many claims. None which favored travellers or anything truly. They say the forest floor is thick with veins, coated with sharp thorns and if you were not careful...They’ll pull you into the rotten depths below! That the trees moaned and groaned wicked things to poison your mind. That time didn’t exist there and you eventually just become another spirit trapped in the forest...If you were fortunate that is. Tesla felt a strong draw through the sharp branches and slimey ground. With each step, the path would clear, just for her. Spellbinded, she ignored the eerie foreshadowing and soon enough, just a peek a head, something glimmered. Something shined, something sparkled, reflected by the tiny beams of light pushing through the thick canopy. Her heart fluttered and her feet matched its pace, darting through shrubbery like an arrow destined for greatness. The prism, as if it was sentient, flies just out of her reach. She leaped and growled and fussed, but to no avail. Exhausted, she would watch it hover above. Back and forth as if it was thinking...Slowly.

♦The limbs of the trees seemed to have grown thicker the longer she stayed, but still, she was steadfast to her cause. She was sure they could be best friends if it’ll give her the chance. And soon, time itself would feel meaningless. The night and day didn’t seem to matter as she followed the prism deeper into the unknown. The emptiness of the forest didn’t seem to affect her. She often filled the silence by sparking up a conversation with the prism. Where was it going? Where it came from? And if it was hungry. In fact, there were even times, she’d hear her voice echo back...Answering her questions.

♦Than, even sooner, the prism would seem to have warmed up to her. They played simple games such as hide and seek and keep-away, that helped pass the time. When necessary, it’ll nudge her to wake if something was amiss while she slept and it even lead her to food, when it was available. Through this forest they traveled and by the end, harsh feet would touch soft grass. So, there was indeed another side to this bizarre maze but was it the end?

♦Toes wiggled on the lush soil but before she could settle on her new reality, the prism takes off. It becomes almost just a cut of light in the air in the distance and if it had not slowed down by the river bank, Tesla would have never seen it again. She heaved heated breaths as she came to a stop where it hovered. Oddly enough, it hovered low, lingering along the flow of water and she knew this was the moment to catch it. Eyes closed with hope as her hand reached with what energy she could muster to snatch it out of the air. Eureka! Success! It struggles in her hand and before her eyes opened, both palms enclosed on it. Tesla hopped and bounced with much glee as the points of prism jabbed at her. But the sharp pinches was nothing compared to her happiness.

♦Oh? What was this? It suddenly stops moving, the celebration comes to a halt and she stands baffled and suspicious. With the tiniest peek hole she could create between her thumbs, she peeked. A decision she’d soon regret as it shoots forward slamming and breaking against her forehead. There was the strangest sort of a pain, one that hurt but didn’t hurt. A pain that ached but also soothed. A light breaks from the prism, engulfing her and the area she stood and just as quickly as it happened-she vanishes. Red markings appear on her forehead, forever engraved into her skin. A timeless reminder of when her new adventure begun.

♦It’s cold, an eerie quietness that even she was unfamiliar to. It felt as though all her energy was drained from her, spiritually and physically. After a few moments of stillness, Tesla stands. Blurry vision soon refocuses to a seemingly same world though she suspects anything but. The energy of the prism was no longer in the air. She was not one to dwell, after being briefly disheartened, she marches forward! It’ll be weeks before she finally figures out where she was. From what she gathered, she was somewhere between existences. A place where only those who were gifted by shadow could enter. Assuming after catching glimpses of these shadows fading in and out, sometimes manifesting into full forms. She concocts a brilliant plan to ‘piggy back’ one of these shadows, it was just matter of timing.

♦“One, two, three!” Tesla counted in her head as she darted, jumped and popped through one of the shadow’s portals. It was either fortunate or unfortunate that she piggy backed on Vashiren Evernight’s aether jumps. She lands just shy of his back and onto the ground. The world soon becomes loud, noisy, and chaotic. Tesla quickly jumps to her feet and weaves through the crowd. The sounds of metal clashing, a wizard incanting, and heavy feet trampling the dirt followed behind her but all she could hear is her heart thumping against her chest. After reaching the outskirt of the battle field, she turned to watch, eyes searching for the shadow she rode into this world on. Like a predator locking onto its prey, she could see him even as he passed through the aether and back. Truly like a shadow. Tesla watched until the sun rested behind the horizon, till the moon rose to light the sky, wondering what now, and where to go. Though, she had a strong hinkering of where to start...

Behind The Persona

◢ New to the game
If you need help with anything, feel free to contact me!
Currently, I'm just testing the waters and getting a feel for the game. Both on the field and out.
◢ Current Events

Where to be found

Spring Coro <attended>
Wyld Hunt <will attend>

◢ Titles|Awards


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing

These relations are common in her life. Please if you'll like to be added just /tell me ^_^

Vashiren :
Momma K :
Ruby_Roisin :
Devi :
Cinnamon :
Darthaniel :



Fun Facts

Theme Song:
