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Hir Mulds Ivarsson, of the Duchy of Northern Fields of the Empire of Rivermoor


Mulds' persona is a Pict from the pre-roman era. Having angered the Forest Lord (a Pictish god) by hunting in his woods, Mulds was cursed with immortality. "You will live forever, survive many battles, and watch your loved ones die" Making the best of a bad situation he became a mercenary, his armour is derived from various places and time periods as he traveled a lot during his very long life.

Affiliated Groups

House Northern Shields - Founder/Retired

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Ran Northern Fields first and third Weaponmaster tournaments

Placed 3rd in Rivermoors Weaponmaster single short category - Aug 2014.

Auto-crat for Northern Fields Spring feast - May 2015.

Auto-crat at Northern Fields 4th Summer feast "A night in Valhalla" Aug 8, 2015.

Won The Champions tourney (Ironman style single short) at Northern Fields Qualls Sept 6th, 2015.

War-o-crat for Rivermoors Mid-reign in Lands End June 18, 2016

Placed second overall in Northern Fields crown Qualls Sept 10, 2016

Elected Prime Minster of Northern Fields Jan. 2017

War-o-Crat at Battle Beyond the Border (BBB) Sept.2017

Elected Baron of Northern Fields April. 2018

Additional Images

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website

  • Orkicon2.gif