Crasiuz Raban Alzemar
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Leader of the Rout, Crasiuz Raban Alzemar, The Aspect of Pain, of the Mushroom Shrine in theWetlands
So did I land that shot or should we redo?
Role Play Biography
Mundane Biography
Relatively new to the game, Crasiuz started right after Spring War 09. He originally started at Granite Spyre, learning what he could from those that were willing to teach. However, due to gas prices and distance he soon moved to Mushroom Shrine. Here at the Shrine he founded House Wolf's Run and began a treaty with the clan of gypsies known as Clan Panurple. He and his house are now the protectors of the Fortuna Clan at the Mushroom Shrine.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Notable Accomplishments
- Founder of House Wolf's Run-2009
More Information
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