The Black Hand
”An indicative quote”
Hi, I am Admiral XANTH Muridae Lord of the house. Admiral Ino Alessandro Raphael is my Co-Admiral. We welcome you to our Household and hope that you have a lot of fun here.
Very Simply there are 3 main points of this household:
1. Role Play- Volunteer to be an NPC when you get the chance and if not, then play your character to his/her truest nature. Play in as many quests as possible.
2. Assassinate the Monarchy- Role play during court is essential and almost lost. Your assassinations will take place during court and feasts.
3. Become a Paragon Assassin- We are training and teaching our members the class of assassin so they may reach the level of Paragon.
The Black Hand is a household of Assassins. This is a household that loves role play and will facilitate it whenever we can. We collaborate with other groups and/or individual people to create role play scenarios that involve not only us, but others as well.
This household is also to help you better yourself as an assassin and help you learn how to play your class. When someone sees a member of the Black Hand playing the class of assassin, I want them to be able to say that that is a true example of how an assassin should be played. And the great role play aspect to this is they can say that's exactly how a ninja assassin, a pirate assassin, a movie assassin, etc. would have taken out their target.
We are assassins. Instead of teaming up on the battle field like a fighting company we are usually more worried about being stabbed in the back by one another lol. Rather than face to face battles we should be using tactics, wit, and cunning to assassinate our targets (although being a good fighter does help when forced to fight face to face). A Warrior class can rush in and kill someone just as well, but we are a role play household. Role play it up and be creative on how to kill your target. Make it entertaining for your audience. We have several ideas on how you can accomplish such things. If you are stumped we would love to help you. And this is part of what we are here for. Let’s plot and scheme together : )
In Character we are all here because we like to kill, have some resentment towards authority, or are in it for the profit, and there are many other reasons. We as a household are dedicated to taking out the monarchy and any valuable/key targets that we deem necessary to take out so that we may make way for a tyrant or other evil leader to take power or even take the kingdom over. If that happens we would then serve to help his/her evil plans or run a reign as we would like to. This is simple but it gives us an outlet for our assassin ways and helps us hone our skills. The more you kill as an assassin the better you get 🙂 We are the dark underbelly to our kingdoms. If there is an evil presence lurking in the shadows, you can be assured it is most likely a Black Hand member. You are also trained so that you will be the best of assassins in any group like a fighting company that you are with.
The Colors of the Black Hand: The primary color is black, whereas the secondary color is gold. The secondary color may be substituted with yellow if the need arises. The Symbol of the Black Hand: A black background with a gold seal that has a black hand stamped on it. This symbol represents The Black Hand blotting out the light of the world.
- Cognostic Shaddowalker
- Akira Brie Daniels - Viola I was from QT/Rivermoor transferred to Ice Haven
- Alexa Rae Davis - Lady Bo Haven of Adari Vaal Keep Tal Dagore
- Barbara Walker
- Beck Smith
- Blake Manwiller
- Bobby Loper
- Brandon Ashelford
- Brandon Dollarhide - ***************************
- Caitlyn A. Pyle
- Chris Wilcox
- Christian Scott
- Christopher Silverwind Harris
- DJ Leonard - Jak Hunter - Shayde, QT Rivermore
- Dakota Holthouse
- Dylan GrapeJuice Welch
- Ino Alessandro Raphael - Ino Raphael
- Jake Livingston
- Jeremy Harden
- Jesse Hutchison
- Jo Sweeney
- Jordan Memmen
- Joshua T. Pyle
- Kale Corwyn Wolfe - *******************
- Kolt Glynn
- Madison Haleigh Russell
- Mulds Sigerson - Mulds sigerson, wildgard, rivermoor.
- Nessa Dale
- Patrick McQuinn - Kendrick from Qt in rivermoore
- Paulette Redemske - ***************************
- Phil Richartz
- Siku Sable Kouya
- Stephanie Stuffy Raynor
- Terrence Grandberry
- Thalion Othar
- Tiffany Tuttle - Hollyella and I'm in howling plains EH
- Tim Blade Anderson - Sanguinious Redthunderwolf, Centerpoint, Rivermoore
- Tom Hall
- Val Fyrebringer - ****************
- Yuu Mii
More Information
- [The Black Hand Facebook Page]
- Contact [mailto:"" "Thalion Othar"] for more information.