Talk:Talifer III Atera Helsing
External Links
If you want to add an external link, rather something that is not on the wiki, you would put only one [ before and one ] after. it would appear as [1].
If you want it to say something you would add a space after the web address, and then type what you want it to look like. I.E. AmtWiki would look like AmtWiki
First load your picture into the database by using this form
Then place the syntax [[Image:"your image name".jpg]] onto your page where you want the picture to go.
"your image name" is whatever you named the image when you uploaded it.
To re-size the image, add |"XXX"px after the .jpg
"XXX" equals the desired pixel width of your image
To align your picture with a certain part of your page add |"Location" after the .jpg
"Location" is the place you want it aligned to: Left, Right, or Center --- Crispin 6/21/14