Talk:Shadow Forge
Contacted on Facebook about the Audit, should have word back shortly. --Linden 16:27, 14 November 2011 (EST)
1. Are you active? What is your average number of players locally per week? Yes we are active and fluctuate from 11-15 in the spring and fall to 5-9 in the summer and winter.
2.What days and times do you meet? We meet every Sunday from 11am to around 3pm we also have fighter practice from 10 to 11 am on sundays
3.What park do you meet in, city and state? Can you give directions or a physical address? We meet at Cane Creek Park in Cookeville Tennessee at 201 CC Camp Rd cookeville, Tn 38501 web address
4.Who is your leadership? Can we have and post their contact information? Sheriff: White Wolf, Regent: Tiger Lilly, Champion: Lord H.B Puddin, Prime Minister: Lord SimiaVir as for contact info H.B Puddin can be reached at and Simiavir can be reached at
5.What is your heraldry? Do you have a jpeg or other image file we can upload to the wiki? our heraldry was created by Sir Gilan Bluff. It is gold and black with a diamond in the upper left corner and an anvil in the lower right corner this is a link to the heraldry pic on the facebook group page.
6.Have you taken a recent group photo of your chapter? Can we have a copy? no we havnt had a recent group pic at least in a year.
7.Do you have an example of your chapter's heraldry in use, as a favor, garb, banner, or similar? We have a banner that was made by the household The Lantern Corps. in which they use in the principallity events and we have a banner with our colors for the park
8.When was your chapter founded? By whom? Our group was founded on Oct. 27 2001 by David Van Lickenstein, Stormblade aka. TigerLilly, Golden Arrow aka. Lord H.B. Puddin, Ires and Lasst Velshar directed by Count Lord Squire Shalazar Bastion
9.Do you have traditions or games that you would say define your chapter? no real traditions or games.
10.Do you have an active forum, facebook groups, or mailing list? Can you give us links? we do have a yahoo group and a facebook page.
11.Have you had any news organizations do any pieces on your chapter in the last two years? no
12.What have you been doing to attract new players? its mainly word of mouth but on the 4th of Nov 2011 TigerLilly and Lord H.B Puddin went to the Highland Rim Acadamy to talk to the 5th and 8th grade classes about 17th century armor since they were going over king arthur and beowolf and integrated amtgard into it. the presentation was supposed to be 30min. but lasted 1 1/2 hrs.
13.Has anything happened in the last year that you would like included in your history? its just a little over a year but created mainly by Lord H.B Puddin a castle was constructed for a Raid on Shadow Forge and since then has been transported to a few events. It is 22 ft. wide and has a rampart which can be stood upon. thats about it
Lord SimiaVir PM of Shadow Forge of the Principality of Winter's Edge of the Kingdom of Neverwinter
Cookeville Leisure Services Department - Cane Creek Park This 262-acre regional park contains three picnic shelters, play equipment, a 56-acre lake, two fishing piers, paddleboat rentals and a concession stand which are open in season, walking trails, a basketball court and a volleyball court and an eighteen hole Disc Golf course. Cane Creek Park is loca...