
From AmtWiki

2012 Audit

Are you active? What is your average number of players locally per week?
We are active, but as we haven't yet had our first regular field day, I would say that I know I can count on at least five people to be there for it.
What days and times do you meet?
Our first meeting is on Friday, August 24,/2012. There will be a discussion about when would be best for our player base to meet, after which I'll email you an update of this form.
What park do you meet in, city and state? Can you give directions or a physical address?
We meet in Jackson Park, in Peterborough, Ontario. The parking lot entrance is at a set of lights where Monaghan Rd. ends at Parkhill Rd., two of the major local arteries.
Who is your leadership? Can we have and post their contact information?
Our Sheriff is Grace Crichton (character name: Psylocyte), reachable at, our Shire Regent is Julie Thornburg (character name: Ryanni), reachable at, and our Shire Chancellor is Jason Chretien (character name: Talaris), and my email is I am also acting as Champion for the moment, until we hold our first Coronation, at which point there is likely to be some change in our officers.
What is your heraldry? Do you have a jpeg or other image file we can upload to the wiki?
Provided and seen on wiki page
Have you taken a recent group photo of your chapter? Can we have a copy?
Not yet, but I'll ask our Regent to bring her camera to our first field, and we'll get a shot or fifteen then. Expect an attachment to the update email you'll be receiving.
Do you have an example of your chapter's heraldry in use, as a favor, garb, banner, or similar?
Not yet, but it's only a matter of time before we have one.
When was your chapter founded? By whom?
Linnagond was founded in August 2012 by Psylocyte, Ryanni, and Talaris, after they relocated from the Duchy of Wolvenfang (in Sudbury, Ontario) to a natural ford in a major river (Peterborough), to reduce the pressures of overpopulation on the elves of nearby Starfall Forest.
Do you have traditions or games that you would say define your chapter?
Not yet, but we have some ideas that we hope will do so!
Do you have an active forum, facebook groups, or mailing list? Can you give us links?
We have an active Facebook group, at this link. No forums or mailing lists yet, but I can email you our forum link if we get one before the end of my term, if you'd like.
Have you had any news organizations do any pieces on your chapter in the last two years?
Not at all, we haven't yet had our first regular field day.
What have you been doing to attract new players?
We've held a demo at our local park, and used word of mouth amongst our friends here to attract new players.
Has anything happened in the last year that you would like included in your history?