My Sword
You'll never know the wonders of my blade
Or the penetrable pleasure I get out of your pain
I can stab or thrust or slash if that's your game
You can look but never touch my sort of fame
Wherever I go, I bring it along
Wherever you go, you'll never see one quite as long
I hold it at night to guard me in my sleep
If you took it away, I surely would weep
I'll show it to you but maybe another day
If I took it out now, they'd lock me away
If you come to my tent i'll pull it out for you
But then you know what that would lead to
It's long and pointy and glimmers in the sun
If you really like, I know where you could find one
There's a good friend of mine - a blacksmith named John
Don't take your time, or soon they'll all be gone
My sword got broken in battle today
I'm so ashamed, I must run far away
I guess I'll never be a warlord
I'm sorry you never saw the glory of my sword