From AmtWiki
Mogur, Esquire, of Kestrel Keep a Freehold.
Abandoned or lost at birth this man knows not. He has a life he created for himself. Mogur entered a monastery at a young age and through self-determination and hope, he has set out to find his family. His only clue to his heritage is a ring worn on a necklace since he could remember. He now sets foot in a strange land, to find his lost roots and rejoin a family he has never known.
Affiliated Groups
Mogur is a member of the Evil French
The Seraphim fighting company
Belted Line
Name is Currently Squired/Man-At Arms/Page to Title Name
Notable Accomplishments
Master Barbarian
Hydra #3 Lion #3 Owl #2 Rose #5 Warrior #3 Smith #2
Link URLs