House Walrus

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House Walrus

”We bleed for Walrus!”

Biography of Group

Those who have (accidentally) lost blood by the hand of Walrus on the field of battle are inducted into the household. As their blood falls to the ditch field, House Walrus grows and its founder grows forever stronger.

Affiliated Groups

Currently, all of House Walrus's members reside in the Celestial Kingdom, though traveling warriors are only a misplaced polearm or a wrong step away from a blood sacrifice.


Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2


No Amtgardian should under any circumstances attempt to join House Walrus. While he has more than once drawn blood on the battlefield, Walrus is not an inherently violent or unsafe fighter and does not wish to continue a reign of terror through the CK. Any attempts to join House Walrus are taken under your own risk of injury.

  • Orkhousehold.GIF