Strong Leather

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A type of Armor

From the Rulebook

Strong leather.jpg

This thick leather armor provides some amount of protection from impact and penetration.

Armor Points

Base Armor Points: 2
Maximum Armor Points: 3


Must be a minimum of 3/16” (0.19") thick.

Armor Specific Modifiers

Lorica Musculata entered by Sir Keluric in the 2007 Olympiad

Cuirboilli: +1

The leather has been made rigid through boiling, wax impregnation, lacquering, or a similar process.

Gambeson: +1

The armor is worn over a Gambeson.

Heavy Gauge: +1

The leather is at least 1/4” (0.25") thick either as a single piece or through the permanent attachment of several layers.

See Also: