Eve Edensong
From AmtWiki
Eve Edensong of Thor's Refuge, Westmarch
"En taro Tassadar! ...wait, what do you mean wrong 'verse?"
Image coming soon (the garb is in the making)
Eve is an Amtgard newbie who is, at the moment, simply trying to find her way. She was introduced to Amtgard through a group that gathered at ARC.
More eventually.
Affiliated Groups
None (one possible)
Belted Line
None (yet?)
Notable Accomplishments
None (yet)
Additional Images
Garb Concept Art:
The sewing is currently underway!
More Information
Eve's name is derived from her common internet username. She can be found on many websites under the title of elvenlogic.
She is an avid play-by-post roleplayer, and also enjoys strategy games such as Starcraft and Warcraft. She loves reading books, especially of the sci-fi and fantasy genres.