Dyzan Constantine

From AmtWiki

Dyzan Constantine, aka Titan

”You're damned to follow us into the path of Darkness, hiss at random holy things, drink their blood, and cook them with Mrs. Dash seasoning over an open fire.”

Affiliated Groups

Black Angel Mercenary Corps

Crossed over into the realm of Amtgard in the year of 2009, the month of showers April. Starting out as a Wizard and developing his skills eventually taking on several other classes to broaden his horizons.

Currently Regent of Pandomonium Asylum

Persona: A Vampyric Egyptian Demon.

Character Bio:

Age: Over 5,000 since rebirth.

Race: Arch Demon/Arch Angel

Height: 6'9" normal form, 8' Demonic/God form.

Trade: Mage/Warrior/Assassin

Hair Color: Black

Eye Colors: Emerald, Red, Black, Silver, Blue or White.

Appearance: Wears a black leather duster, boots, leather pants, black silk shirt. Long flowing hair. Can have wings, whether in Demonic (in true form) or Angelic(whilst Dayzari takes control, can wear white). Is a Shifter, and can take many forms.


I was created as an Arch Angel, by the name of Dayzari, destined to be Lucifer's replacement in the high courts of Heaven. Let's just say I was.....misunderstood and exiled, falling from grace...

As I fell, I only knew of being lost in total darkness. It was during this time that I was snatched and taken, my soul devoured by the God Set and then reborn unto him as his Son.

Set had taken me during that crossroad point, I was merged with the blood of Daemon and Dragon. Becoming both, yet my Dragon half has always been chained within myself, never let to rise to the surface. Until the day comes when he'll be freed...

I'm the only one of my kind that I know of, being born from a God, being Daemon and Dragon. It wasn't until I tried assassinating Lucifer that I was cursed, by Set, to endure my Angelic half. In which now Dayzari haunts me for all Eternity...
