Dragon's Spyre Monarchy
From AmtWiki
Monarch | Regent | Champion | Prime Minister | Guildmaster of Reeves | |
Reign 1 February 1998 - August 1998 | Tewok | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | William the Questioning |
Reign 2 August 1998 - February 1999 | Tewok | Horatio Gespoten (Protem: Sorcha) | ??? | Ariana De Bruce | Nicholas Se'rech |
Reign 3 February 1999 - August 1999 | William the Questioning | Eric Tordenskjolb | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | Demien of Valhalla |
Reign 4 August 1999 - February 2000 | Sheriff William the Questioning | William MacGregor | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | Demien of Valhalla |
Reign 5 February 2000 - August 2000 | Baron Tryggva Hafdan (left mid-reign)/Meghan MacNew (Protem) | Meghan MacNewd/Sorcha MacAnRoigh | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | Troyes |
Reign 6 August 2000 - February 2001 | Baron Demion of Valhalla | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | Troyes |
Reign 7 February 2001 - August 2001 | Baron Meghan MacNewd | Rannen O'Shea | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | Nicholas Se'Rech | Connor MacNieugh |
Reign 8 August 2001 - February 2002 | Baroness Meghan MacNewd | Rannen O'Shea | Ymerej the Holy | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | Otik MacNieugh |
Reign 9 February 2002 - August 2002 | Ariana De Bruce | Raven Lunatic the Wicked/Eric Tordenskjolb (Protem) | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | Otik MacNieugh |
Reign 10 August 2002 - February 2003 | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | Meghan MacNewd | ??? | Troyes | ??? |
Reign 11 February 2003 - August 2003 | Baron Nicholas Se'Rech | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | Troyes | Meghan MacNewd | Troyes |
Reign 12 August 2003 - February 2004 | Baron Otik MacNeiugh | Connor MacNeiugh | ??? | Nicholas Se'Rech | ??? |
Reign 13 February 2004 - August 2004 | Baron Nicholas Se'Rech | Sorcha MacAnRoigh | ??? | Shadow Wolf | ??? |
Reign 14 September 2012 - March 2013 | Sheriff Connor MacNieugh (stepped down 11/17/12)/Otik MacNieugh | Otik MacNieugh (Stepped up 11/17/12)/Thorkel Hrafnson | Reverend Richard | Nicholas Se'rech | Sean Darkskul |
Reign # DATES | Sheriff | regent | ??? | PM | ??? |