Blood and Glory
Blood and Glory
A work in progress by the good folk in the shire of Centerpoint.
As a group, we strongly encourage Roman and Greek themes in our park, and as such have taken it upon ourselves to compile an expansion book, similar to those of the Amtgard7, concerned with those themes. Listed below are those ideas which we are toying with.
Alternate Classes & Archetypes
Gladiator - An Alt class dedicated to odd weapons and flashy styles. Currently in playtesting.
In it's current incarnation the class starts out absolutely terrible and grows into something greater over time.
Slave - variant peasant, in which the player cannot attack people "above his rank"
Archetypes - Hoplite, Legionnaire, Orator, Chariot Rider, Visigoth, Hun, Carthaginian, Senator
Hero of Legend - an NPC type monster styled towards making the player seem more epic
Lernean Hydra - A Hydra which regrows it's heads.
Roman Arms & Armor
We are making a construction guide for things like Lorica Segmentata, Gladius, and Pilum spears, etc.
Classical Themed battlegames
Nothing yet, as none have received any playtesting
Roman Government in Amtgard
The Magnum Opus of this work, details how to run a group(or reign) utilizing a Government similar to that of the Roman republic without changng your corpora, will also include suggestions which are pure flavor but DO require a corpora tweak.