Bashinder Skulls

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Bashinder Skulls, of Serpent's Hollow

”I get angry and all 5 of you run.... Filthy cowards.”



Bashinder was the by-product of an orc and ogre infested blight upon his once proud people. He is part of either orc or ogre it is unknown to him or anyone else which it so happens to be, however this pent up anger this hostility toward any and all whom appose him gift him his ability and good fortune in battle. As a child his peers ostracised Bash for his unique background and thus he was attacked on a some-what normal basis until he took it upon himself to defend himself. Bash and his family were in great poverty and had dim future for anything bright to happen until one faithful day a group of paladin from the deep north were passing through his homestead and noticed Bashinder defending himself against one of his bullies attacking him with thrashing and wild blows. The knight took interest in the boy and decided to take him to his people and hone his skill. He gained skill and experience fighting for the barbarians of the north, this is where under the wing of great teachers learned to fine tune his aggression and anger to a fighting form that was both brutal and technical. He stayed in the north for many a moon until he decided he deserved it to his people that he return to his village further south in the land of amtgard. His Norse background and upbringing leads him to worship under their gods he worships Ull above all others but also follows Loki. He has a general dislike and lack of respect for because he views her as a false gypsy not following the laws and lore set by alako.

Because of his history Bash is always hungry for battle and bloodshed is lawful in a way that he wont let anyone else be attacked or bullied without paying dearly even though he may not walk the line of the law straight and true bash is a figment of pure rage and is rarely rational to any situation believing that the only true way to make someone obey a rule or law is to kill them..... well.... they wont do it again will they? being his logic and rational

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The Swords of the Philanthropists

Belted Family

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