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Revision as of 02:02, 23 June 2012 by Kabul (talk | contribs) (Extensive bio for myself)
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Kabul Karakiv In the higher echelons of Novambiskan government, is a name both feared and respected. He is known by many names, the Black Arrow, the Hand of the People, The Mask, and the Justicar (no relation to the justicar company). He served six years in the Novambiskan military from the age of 18, at the age of 24 he was approached by the Novambisk Intelligence Operations (NIO) Agents to aid in the country's war in 1621 CE. They were at war with their own country, a civil war he thought to be for no good reason, as he was paid well to kill, steal, and black-mail for the Republic of Novambisk. Little did he know that the council was fighting in itself. In 1625 CE, a council of 100 changed to 10 as the top ten richest members of the government ordered the others executed, one of these said people killed was Kabul's father. His father, Arimiya Karakiv, a respected man among the people. He cared nothing for himself and always gave to those less fortunate. And after his last job, Kabul's father dies in his arms, revealing some secrets of the Karakiv family line. A lockbox is found in the floorboards of his home and when he opens it, he hangs up his assassin's mask for good. Kabul disappears for two whole years and returns with a vengance. He begins assassinating politicians for the Aristocratic representatives that tore his nation apart. The few left of the council were now reffered to as the Aristocracy, a very Militaristic, dictatoral group ready to crush all opposition, until Kabul arrives. Kabul storms their Keep, fights through a platoon of guards, kills an entire squad of royal guards, and arrives in the chamber of ten, seeing it empty. He drops to the floor with a thud and wakes up in a jail cell. He makes allies within the prison, planning for nine whole months with his conspirators, on the sixth month of 1628 CE, he and nine hundred other prisoners freed themselves and formed a resistance movement, stealing guns, swords, and armor from guards to fight against the Fascist Aristocracy. Kabul has a list, and he set his life on coarse to have them all killed.

Faraj Yvgeny- Industrial Giant (responsible for child labor and poor working conditions) Gormir Lvinki- Arms Dealer (Kidnaps children from colonies and orphaniges to brainwash into his army) Leani Kirstov- Red Light District Oerator (sells women as young as thirteen into sex slavery) Harash Jarako- Drug Dealer CEO (Runs millions off of his pharmaceutical "miracle" cures that cause addicts to run rampid) Danvil Arasha- Genetic Scientist (kidnaps thousands every year for morbid experiments and procedures) Kiana Enaya- High Priestess of the Aristocratic Church (Leads the populace to believe that money is their salvation) Ariana Jarkiv- Mercenary Captain and Sky Pirate (responsible for the Novambiskan Civil War of 1613 CE) Oleg- Bodyguard to Morodin Gorskii (Aquitted of 27 charges of murder, 67 assult, and 7 charges of rape) Tars- Assassin of the Ten (responsible for the murder of half the council and 231 civilians) Morodin Gorski- Richest man in Novambisk, responsible for the murder of Arimiya Karakiv..