From AmtWiki
- Many strongholds have embraced black powder and have begun equipping an elite cadre of warriors with long guns. Known as Thunderers, these veterans blast off round after round, spitting flaming hot lead at the enemies of the Dwarves.
6th Level Wizard Build
6th Level:
- Headshot (Finger of Death) x4: 4 points
- Grenado (Sphere of Annihilation): 2 points
- Drop down 0 Points
5th Level:
- Rune Shot (Phase Bolt) x2: 2 points
- Explosive Shot (Pyrotechnics) x2: 2 points
- Take Cover! (Ward Self): 1 point
- Drop down 0 Points
4th Level:
- Etherial Ammunition (Dimensional Rift): 1 point
- Firebomb (Fireball) x2: 2 points
- Steady Shot (Wounding) x2: 2 points
- Drop down 0 Points
3rd level:
- Shock Bomb (Lightning Bolt) x2: 2 points
- Crippling Shot (Ravage) x2: 2 points
- Concussive Blast (Throw): 1 point
- Drop down 0 Points
2nd Level:
- Slip Away (Release) x2: 2 points
- Drop down 3 Points
1st Level:
- Equipment: Weapon, Short: 2 points
- Blasting Charge (Force Bolt) x2: 2 points
- Disarming Shot (Heat Weapon) x2
- Airblast (Shove) x2