The Messenger Wars

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November 4th, 2021:

Close to Endreign of the year A.D. 2021, there was a great need for messengers as many of them were dying. Rumours were told of when Art of Falcon's Moon was informed of a message that was relayed to him. Rhadmanyths, checking on his friend, reminded Art. Law, making sure that this message was relayed came to Tony in private to make sure. Rhadamanthys then went to Art to remind him and then relayed to law that he had told Rhadamanthys. While these three were bickering, King Tibbers the Mud heard of it and informed Rhadamanthys who informed law who informed Art that there was a message waiting for him. This, generally, confused all 4 of them. Days later, Law remembers this, and informed King Tibbers who told Rhadamanthys who informed Law who informed Art about the message that he was missing.

A few days later, King Tibbers brought Lord Alexander Blackwood, into the mix to let Art know that he received the message. Thus, ending the Messenger Wars

November 6th, 2021:

A mysterious note is found near the chambers of King Tibers the Mud.... it reads, (Or is it over? Dun. Dun. Dunnnnnn.)

November 11th, 2021:

Border disputes have caused kingdoms all over Emerald Hills to get ready to continue the Messenger Wars, Now with some new players involved, Lord Alexander Blackwood, Law, and King Tibbers the Mud begin their journey to Red Storm to discuss with the Monarch Yawp, king of Orks.

November 12th, 2021:

All hell has broken loose, When the trio approached Orc Monarch Yawp of Red Storm when the inevitable happens.... Monarch Yawp asks the trio.. "Have you sent the human known as.... Art, the message?"

Both King Tibbers the Mud and Lord Alexander look at each other, and then King Tibbers says in a hushed tone.... "I can't speak for Art, but I can say I enjoy the economical state that the messenger wars has given to us... although my messenger birds do not appreciate it."

Yawp turns to law, and asks him "Did you hear King Tibbers response to the madness?"

Law opens his mouth to speak "ye- hold on a moment." Lord Alexander buts in and says in an angry tone, "Why was I left out?"

Yawp turns, shocked at the others, and snarls "How could you have left Lord Alexander out?!"

Law, apprehensively, says "I apologize I was extremely distracted and just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss King Tibbers response to your response on Messenger Wars, Maybe one day Art will be able to get the message and end this infernal conflict..."

While they were all bickering as the kingdom slowly succumbs to madness and infighting... A very ecstatic [Ashlyn M Hacker] could be heard in the background chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Lord Alexander Blackwood sighs, and says "Shroudstar and Art are not going to be happy that we came..."