
From AmtWiki

[[]] Talos, of Goldenvale

”Teleporting... Teleporting... Teleporting...”



Talos is one of three brothers. Talos, Solat, and Shindaro are cursed to ocupy the same body with only one in consious control at a time.

Talos is good natured wizard who strives to walk the neutral line. Solat is a Caniving and power-hungrey sorcerer whose Dark dealings always spells trouble. Shindaro is a shy good soul cut from a far holier cloth.

Other Character name such as Brax, and Hexs(is a twin brother to Jynx-this is not Sir Jynx).

Hex and Jynx are Traveling twin elf druids whose intentions aren't yet visible to the consious mind! Some say they walk a neutral path, others say they walk an evil path, and wise oracles say that their children of powerful Gods, they dream of a higher purpose in ways that no mortal could ever comprehend!

Affiliated Groups

Dark Lands.

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

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