Talk:Boreal Dale

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We could use more info than "in two weeks". What date? --Lucas 17:00, 13 May 2009 (EDT)

They are just starting up and as such aren't quiet definite yet. --Linden 17:42, 13 May 2009 (EDT)

Activity and booming population confirmed. Marked for Goodie box --Linden 15:21, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Who reigned in your last two courts (Monarch, Prime Minister, Regent, Champion, GMR)?

Sheriff Taeshta (Pro-Tem; 06/09-12/09) Volgren (Pro-Tem; 12/09-6/10) Petra (7/10-12/10) Volgren (Pro-Tem; 12/10-3/11) Piaras (Pro-Tem; 3/11-6/11) Piaras (6/11-11/11) Piaras (Pro-Tem; 12/11-6/11)

Chancellor Vanakiir (6/09-9/09) Araea (9/09-9/10) Taeshta (9/10-11/10) Araea (12/10-9/11) Craz (10/11-4/12)

Regent Vanakiir (Pro-Tem; 6/09-12/09) Vanakiir (12/09-3/10) Araea (Pro-Tem; 3/10-9/10) Vanakiir (9/10-10/10) Dimaryp (Pro-Tem; 10/10-12/10) Dimaryp (12/10-11/11) Dimaryp (Pro-Tem; 12/11-6/11)

Champion Volgren (Pro-Tem; 6/09-12/09) Lucas (Pro-Tem; 12/09-4/10) Dimaryp (Pro-Tem; 4/10-6/10) Volgren (Pro-Tem; 7/10-9/10) Halvard (Pro-Tem; 12/10-4/11) Jeraith (Pro-Tem; 4/11-6/11) Oloni (Pro-Tem; 6/11-11/11) Halvard (12/11-6/11)

Can we have the current Court's contact information? Sheriff Piaras (Peter Collins; [email protected]) Regent Dimaryp (David Smith; [email protected])

Have you knighted anyone in the last year? Who, for what, and when? We're only a Shire and can't Knight players.

Can we have a link to your corpora, BoD P&P, Kingdom waiver, list policies? Corpora: Waiver:

Has anything happened in the last year that you would like recorded in your history? Bows are now allowed for use in Boreal Dale (10/11)

Is your Ork listing and Atlas correct? Do all the chapters have directions and contacts listed? Yes.

Over the last year have you had any chapters join the kingdom? Any leave or go defunct? No.

What traditions would you say are unique to your group? We are well known for our huge feasts at every event, we are also trying to monthly/bi-monthly fund-raisers like food drives and cash drives.

Do you make your own awards or award templates? Are they posted on the internet for your kingdom to use? BlankAwardFinal.jpg

Do your officers typically wear kingdom heraldry while in office? Do you have group photo of them? Not typically, no.

Chapter Questions Are you active? What is your average number of players locally per week? Yes, we are active and growing strong. Anywhere from 15-25 members per week.

What days and times do you meet? Every Sunday from Noon:30 until people leave

What park do you meet in, city and state? Can you give directions or a physical address? Gowen Park, Sanford, Maine

Who is your leadership? Can we have and post their contact information? Sheriff Piaras Wolfwood (Peter Collins; [email protected]) Regent Page Dimaryp Evans (David Smith; [email protected]) Chancellor Gabriel “Craz” Godot (Kyle Hambright) Champion Man-At-Arms Halvard (Jeremy LeBlanc)

What is your heraldry? Do you have a jpeg or other image file we can upload to the wiki? Bdh.jpg

Have you taken a recent group photo of your chapter? Can we have a copy? group.jpg

Do you have an example of your chapter's heraldry in use, as a favor, garb, banner, or similar? Not at the moment

When was your chapter founded? By whom? Lord Taeshta De'Daharl (June 2009)

Do you have traditions or games that you would say define your chapter? Kill-Your-Killer; Massive Feasts; Goblin Battle-games; Lots of RP

Do you have an active forum, facebook groups, or mailing list? Can you give us links? Facebook Group: “Boreal Dale” Forums:

Have you had any news organizations do any pieces on your chapter in the last two years? Yes, Sanford News (not sure on the date)

What have you been doing to attract new players? We've been doing a lot of word of mouth as well as going to different places in garb. We also do fund-raisers and have volunteered by shoveling and other community action. We have plans for flyers to be posted as well as demos planned