Squire-Master Reign

From AmtWiki

Master-Squire Reign, Hermit's Hold & Obsidian's Gate

”Celibacy's for quitters!!”



Squire-Master Reign "Pork-chop The Mighty", the Unsalted,harbenger of soft breads, the whimsical Curmudgeon, stalemate of deprecating remarks,The brindle scourge of panthradawn, Co writer of Shankten Torense WaAG & Schaluff Reign's: Shandarah (A Tale of Mythic Proportions.

If a tree fell in the woods and no one was there to hear it Reign would... and the round house kick it in the face! Subsequently this would wrangle the the anger and cookies of all nearby keeblers, bloodthirsty for war and victory. But this was all part of his plan. I read it in his diary!

Affiliated Groups

Total and Undying Devotion, Allegiance, and Tutelage to His Scrumtrulescence, The Grand Duke Sir Whitewolf the Hunter, Vanquisher of Trina and Songbird of the North.

Wolfsbane, Legion, House Fallenstar, C.O.A. (Saint of Dishonor)

Belted Family

The Glorious Anthem of Whitewolf And Debane: WolfsBane

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

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