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The following rules are from an out of date rule-set

Shadowdancer (Wizard Archetype)


Who do you hire to kill a Wizard? Why another Wizard, of course! In this case, the professional, cold-blooded Shadowdancer. The Dancers are masters of infiltration and reconnaissance who use their fine-tuned skills to pick apart an opposing teams defenses to strike at the root of their power: spellcasters.


Black, and lots of it. Black hooded cloak, gloves and facial war paint.

Essential Spells:

Shove, Circle of Protection, Messenger, Wounding, Hold Person, Ambidexterity, Dispel Magic, Finger of Death, Teleport, Flight, Sphere of Annihilation, Defend: Pro/Magic or Pro/Projectiles

Suggested Spells:

Expertise, Advancement, Sever Spirit, Iceball

Role-Playing Notes:

The darkness of your garb betrays the darkness in your soul. You are the Assassin-Wizard, the expert in getting into and out of dangerous situations and taking down half the opposition in the process. Your most vital spells are Teleport, Flight and Circle of Protection; the spells which allow you an immediate escape or insertion point, or afford the chance for unhindered observation. Get in, find out all you can about their plans, deal as much damage as possible, and Teleport back to your base before they know what hit ‘em.


Single long sword and dagger or florentine short swords. Save points for the all-important Teleports.

Monster List