Non-Human Registration Act of CK Reign 54

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This page is for the Celestial Kingdom monarchy's posts during Reign 54-Registration of Non-Humans under King Armand

First speech of the King

May 7: Armand spoke to the crowd of his followers and declared his first act as King of the Celestial Kingdom. "The Non-Human registration act of reign 54 will create a safer land for us all. All Non-Humans must register with their local Prime Ministers within 2 weeks or become enemies of the Kingdom. This is for the safety of everyone and should be encouraged by all. Humans and Non-Humans should work together in bringing peace to this war ravaged land".
He smiled as there was protest, and sounds of concern coming from the populous. He could also see some that welcomed the idea and would embrace it. "The plan is now in motion".
The imposter thought as he turned and walked back inside the castle his guards following. The Reign of Chaos has begun.

Second Letter from the King

May 11: Armand sat in his study watching his subjects through the window as he wrote out the following letter to the parks.
"Do not be afraid. This act is for the safety of all Non-Human and Human that reside in our glorious kingdom. The separation I am seeing is breaking my heart and it saddens me. The registration of Non-Humans is so that the fears would be erased from those that do not understand. Never have I said monsters in my comments to this act. I do not see Non-humans as a lesser beings, but I do see them as a unchecked force. As we have seen in the last few days alone there has been outrage and speculations about my agendas with this act. I assure you the safety of all is my only concern. Local Prime Ministers and leaders have less than 2 weeks to complete the registration and send it in. We must maintain the peace as we move forward. Those that directly oppose this act are to be captured and sent to trial, we all have a responsibility to our kingdom.

In service to the realm,

King Armand DeSanto”

He set his pen down and thought hard about the uprising that is happening all around him. The support he has already built and the divide that has begun. Perfect, things are moving along greatly. I must build a strong counsel since I cannot be everywhere at once. I must visit the provenances soon. The end has begun.

===Lord Champion kneels before the throne=== May 11: I kneel before the throne. “Majesty. Command me, Sire.”
“Rise.” Armand waves away the hovering servants. “You have seen the reports?”
Rather a silly question as I wrote most of them. “Yes, Majesty. Resistance is showing in most of the lands. The edict of registration is not popular.”
“Tactful as always,” the king smiles. “What you’re really saying is that this has pushed the kingdom to the brink of revolt.” He sighs, and rubs his forehead. “You know this provides protection to the non-humans as well, right? The first step towards ensuring equal rights is identifying who is being disadvantaged.”
I blink, never actually having thought of that. “Truth, Majesty.”
“Where are you traveling this week?”
“The Barony of Murky Waters, Sire.”
“Is there a reason?”
I nod. “Of all the lands to date, they are the only ones to cry ‘death to the king.’ I’m going up there to test the level of anger and determine if it was merely a slip of the tongue or an act of rebellion.”
“Lord Champion,” The king fixes me with a level look, “Do not summarily arrest or execute without cause.”
I kneel. “Majesty, I will not.”
He nods and I am dismissed.
Outside, I take a breath of crisp morning air and look at the small cadre I have chosen to ride with me. “Persuasion,” I say softly. “Not might. Oh, and if death becomes necessary, I am the one to handle it.” My escort group nods. I swing into the saddle and we ride.