
From AmtWiki

Mirai Antigone, of Dragonspine

”I has cleavage.”



Mirai started playing after Little Raven convinced her to. Anyway, Mirai's mostly a blanket bunny who comes to give moral support, cheers and understanding when one injures themselves (or gets smacked in the face with a polearm while playing ring the bell...). She is now more of an event amtgarder than she is attending regular park days, but she still keeps an eye on the happenings, and can be seen helping out wherever she can.

Flurb Bio

Mirai is a changeling, growing up in a gypsy caravan. She was possessed by a succubus and roamed the world, searching for victims until she ended up in Dragonspine. After being cured by Raven and Whistler, she opened an apothecary right next to Blue's shop. However, after an incident involving incendiary ingredients and goblins, she now shares his shop with him. She likes experimenting her newest creations on her friends, namely Whistler (what, she only turned his tail blue that one time...).

Affiliated Groups

Balladeers, Alto

Order of the Errant, Mama Hen

Belted Family

"Probably will never be belted. Ever." - Mirai herself.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Successfully killed all of her targets during the Assasin Game at Maize Maze 2009, earning her right to own the Dagger of Infinite Penetration... be afraid...

Additional Images

  • DSC04449.jpg

working on some jewelry.

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website