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#REDIRECT [[Scorch Flamedancer]]
==Lady Karissa D'ann, of [[Siar Geata]], [[Kingdom]] of [[Westmarch]]==
''”I take my nerding very seriously.” - Karissa D'ann''
Shortly after Comic Con '12, Karissa was invited to a park day with [[Siar Geata]] by the then Champion, [[Woodstock]]. She was immediately in love with the game, having grown up with a similar style of play that was strictly PVC, pipe isolation, and duct tape. After discovering that swords don't have to be heavier then a two-by-four, her technique steadily improved (though she'll admit she still needs to work on it). She soon was able to drag her husband [[Fuzzy McFistaCuffs]] onto the field and the couple became a dangerous fighting duo from then on. Within her first 5 months she achieved her first Owl and Garber awards, and within 7 helped start the fighting company The Blue Falcons. Since then, she has been focusing on traveling to other local foam fighting groups, including tap LARPs and Belegarth. Her end goal is to unite all SoCal foam fighting in hopes to encourage better fighting, comradery between games, and eventually a southern California kingdom.
===Notable Accomplishments===
*Prime Minister SG May '13-November '13
*Prime Minister SG November '13-April '14
*Awarded 'Lady' at Darkshore by King Porkins '14
===Events Attended===
* Feast of Mars IX '13
* Judgement, Battle of Blackwater III '13
* Battle for the Ring VI '14
* The Battle of Andor VI '14
* The War of the Darkshore XVII '14
===Affiliated Groups===
* [[Blue Falcons]] Fighting Company Founding member and Officer
===Additional Images===
* [https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/484970_486705584724102_324231424_n.jpg First and second prize winners of A&S contest]
* [https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/61614_438100719584589_1461784466_n.jpg Esco Autumn Faire '12]
[[category: Siar Geata People]]

Latest revision as of 02:30, 23 January 2015

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