
From AmtWiki

Lord Strategist, Squire Kallador Von Hellscream of Burning Lands now in the Shire of Daemon Haven, Crystal Groves

”And when he stood and saw the breath of his domain... he wept, for he had no more worlds to conquer”



From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Kallador has fought just about everywhere in his 15 years in amtgard, Starting in El Paso, Texas in the fall of 1996.

Affiliated Groups

Lord and eldest brother of the Hellscream Household.

The First Pan the Lost Boys.

Former Blood Angel.

Founded the Shire of Hell's Gate in the winter of 2004.

Founded Darkwatch in 2005.

Former Wolf of the Wolves.

Former Second Sword of Clan Kala'drinn of Saracens.

Belted Family

Squired to Wolfen, Brother to Sephiroth Von Hellscream and Raziel Von Hellscream, Husband to Jilyana Von Hellscream. Household retainer Haze Shadowmoon of Von Hellscream.

Notable Accomplishments

Along with the Lost Boys defeated the Kingdom of Crystal Groves.

Was given the title of Strategist by Syr Wolfen at the first Hellraiser in 2006.

Was given his Squire status by Syr Wolfen in the beginning of 2008.

Was given the title of Lord by Sir Rapheal in 2002.

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