Iron Fist

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Revision as of 04:58, 10 August 2015 by Glyn (talk | contribs) (moved Grush to Iron Fist: Permanent player name change)

”Praise Allah!”


Grush the Mighty King of Iraq, Field commander of the Argent Helm, father of 50 "Fatherless" Sons, and slayer of dolphins.

Grush comes from the Great White North aka Wolvenfang aka The Duchy of Hut Lands. Where he is seen sitting atop his throne made of the bones of infidels that dared to contest his greatness. Atop his massive Throne he sits giving orders to his followers which that are to carry out. If they do not they are to be giving to the Gods (Sacrificed).

Affiliated Groups

ahlrg.jpg The Order of the Argent Helm - stickjock

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

More Information

WolvenFang Website
