Haian O'Malley

From AmtWiki

Haian O'Malley of Crimson Sanctum, Westmarch, Dragonspine

”Here I'm a profesional Barbarian medic. THAT's it? Oh, rub some dirt on it. You'll be fine.”

CS Gaku.jpg


Text to come.

Affiliated Groups

The Household of Pathos' Cove

Notable Accomplishments

Champion of Crimson Sanctum, September 2008 - December 2008.

Additional Images

Text to come.

More Information

Sly and crafty soul that he is, Gaku has changed names more than some people change socks. So far we are at four and counting:

  • Haian O'Malley (May 2009 - current)
  • Gaku Fyreice (August 2008 - May 2009)
  • Zeonir (???? - August 2008) ((Quite frankly, I don't remeber making this))
  • Leoden (???? - ????)