Cocaire Goldenbow

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Cocaire Goldenbow of EastWind Castle, Winters Edge

”If you can't cook it, craft it, or track it, what good is it?”

As a young scout, I traveled the far western lands in search of one thing, my one true home. A home filled with family and friends. As an adult scout, I longed for much the same. My search lead me to the far eastern shore of our lands. It led me to love, it lead me to eastwind where I found my home. Now as old, battered and life weary traveller, I tend the animals and meager crops of my own land and travel often to magical forests of eastwind for play, for craft, for the fellowship of a community that will host this crotchety old scout as one of their own.

Man At Arms to Dame Weilock.

I have won numerous crafting competitions.

Titles and such... Amtgard, lvl 6 scout.

2 term regent of the barony of Eastwind

Leatherworking champion, twice, at winter war.

3rd place at dragon master a&s 4th place a gathering of the clans a&s Eastwind Castle: Knight of Eastwind.

Founder of Arts of the Plate,acooking guild. Leader of the Guild of Shadows.

Founder of the hearth keepers.