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Revision as of 01:44, 21 August 2014

Azmaria Fauntail of Ice Haven

"I'm in my element!"


Character Information

Name: Azmaria Fauntail

Age: 20

Birthday: August 19th

Height: 5'5

Weight: 130 lbs

Race: Elf

Class: Scout



Azmaria joined Amtgard in the summer 2013 under the Shire Thrudheim before it merged with Ice Haven. She is now a member under Ice Haven. She became a Dark Tower initiate during 2014's Dungeon Day. She goes to park days every other weekend (if work allows).

Character Biography

Azmaria was born in the late summer to her elven parents Talos and Magdalene Fauntail. Her family led a small village within the remnants of Mithril Forest. At the age of eight, her village was destroyed due to the conflicts between her people and a nearby kingdom on the outskirts of Ice Haven. After the attack, her mother died and her father was forced into the Dwarven Mines. Her elder brother, Ezra, went missing. (He is later hanged by Godrick.) Azmaria flees with her owl spirit Gilbert, who raises her from age eight to nineteen. Once Amzaira reached age nineteen, she was captured by Godrick The Betrayer, exiled son of House Paulric. She was given the choices of death, becoming a slave in the mines, or to be the companion for Godrick. She chose reluctantly to become his follower and the two have traveled many miles since. They meet up with Godrick's old friend Valduthain in the dying country of Thrudheim. They then decided to leave the dying lands to settle in the lands of Ice Haven. The three, all very short on coin, became initiates for the mercenary group Dark Tower.

Affiliated Groups

Initiate to the Brotherhood of Darktower.

Notable Accomplishments

Won 1st order of the Warrior in Late Winter/ Early Spring of 2014

Accidentally became public enemy to the elves in the Elven/Darven War in Relic Quest of 2014. This resulted in the bounty for her head and the death of her group.

Was almost sold to the Dwarven King by Valduthain during Relic Quest of 2014

Additional Images


Azmaria with Derfel


Discussing her fate with Godrick