House Tuek

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House Tuek

Heraldry Tuek.jpg

Colors: Sage, Tan (Sand), Black.

Field layout: party per pale vert left, tenné right. sable crescent center point up.

Since Sage and Tan are not acceptable Heraldic colors, Green(vert) and Brown(fur: tenné?) are acceptable substitutes for Heraldry purposes only.


House Tuek was formed by Esmar Tuek in 2005 as an official means to backup his surname "Tuek" With just 2 members, it was realized that the household needed a purpose and a mission to be felt as legitimate. In 2009, with the induction of The Jester into Esmar Tuek's belted family, the Tuek Household grew as well; gaining a set path for it's purpose. Esmar Tuek dropped the original second member and focused on seeking out those who met the vision of Tuek. The search continues to this day, growing through ambitious members with untold potential.


A household with a focus on reigniting the passion of "The Dream" throughout the game. Subtlety and Understanding are what make House Tuek strong and unique. Through our observation of the game and it's various changes; through our participation in key points, we have the ability to keep everything in check.





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