AmtRisk V3.0
This is an adaptation of the rules “AMTRisk, Conquest of Gryphons Perch” V1.4 by Areth Nar and V2.4 by Tugen and “Pegasus Valley AmtRisk V2.3” by Glenalth Woodwalke. V3.0 by Quintus Aulus Jonas.
Table of Contents
Introduction Setup Play Sequence Assemble Teams Surrender Resources Fortify & Siege Attack End of Turn Battle Plans During the Week Final Round Attacks · Mutual Attacks · Surrenders 5. Resources, Castles and Buildings Resources Castles Buildings 6. Additional Class Abilities Assassinations (Assassin) Campaign (Archer, Warrior) Connections (Duelist) Crusader (Paladin) Dark Forces (Anti-Paladin) Kamikaze (Bushi) Sanctuary (Bard, Healer, Monk) Scrolls and Potions (Druid, Wizard) Tracking (Barbarian, Scout) 7. Additional Rules · Absenteeism · Becoming Landed or Un-Landed · Monarch Rules · Player Alliances · Unoccupied Territory · Monster/Peasant Held Territories · No Mans Land · Random Weekly Events �1. Introduction
The AmtRisk Battlegame is played as a traditional Amtgard Battlegame with a few twists. A game map of the park representing the group and its outlying areas has been divided into territories that may be attacked and taken over by anyone playing the game. Each territory that a player controls gives that player additional resources and power. The purpose of the game is for players to use guile, tactics, intrigue, and brute force to improve their landed holdings within the group.
2. Setup
After the game map has been divided into territories, anyone in the group may petition the Mapkeeper to have a region of his or her own. Titled players will be allowed to select their starting region with the highest-ranking individuals going first. Non-titled players will then choose, with the longest playing starting first. Should a player receive a title during the course of play they may automatically choose an unoccupied territory to gain control of. The resources that the Territory produces will be determined as per the rules in Section 7. These regions will now belong to the players. After the initial setup is complete, all players who later wish to join will start as un-landed Players.
All players may receive a number of ‘starting resources’ (see section 5.1 for resources) at the discretion of the Mapkeeper. The Mapkeeper is responsible for keeping records of lands held, weekly activities, and resources. The Mapkeeper may be a player, as these rules are totally random.
3. Play Sequence
Each week is considered as a new round, unless stated otherwise. The Mapkeeper determines the order of actions based on section 3.7 - Battle Plans. Attacks are compared for mutual attacks, then they are declared in the order they will be played. Depending on the time it takes to play them, any number may be played in any given week. Any battles not played out are considered to have faltered, and thus nothing happens. All battles are played using steps 1-5. Once all are played, or no more time is left, move to step 6-8. If, at the beginning of the week, one player controls all territories within the group, then this becomes the Final Round. Skip to step 9.