Throw in the Snow 6
Febuary 6, 2010 at Squaw Creek Park Marion, IA. in prairie oak lodge. There will be signs in the park showing you where to go. Gate cost is $10.00.
Gate opens at 11:00am Battlegame start at 1:30p.m. Feast starts at 4:30p.m.
Feast, Starters- salad, fruit cocktail, and rolls. Main Dish- Smoked Ham (if you can not eat pork please let me know we will have chicken avaliab). Served with corn, green beans, and potatoes. Dessert- cherry pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and plain cheesecake.
Battlegame, This year's battlegame will be a modified capture the flag played on the massive open field next to the lodge. For you WoW geeks out there think Arathi Basin, but larger and better and with 2 yes 2 traction catapults that can be used. That is all that can be said.... for now. Also help is needed with construction of various items. If you would like to help please let me know.
Volunteers are needed to reeve and help in the kitchen, please let me know if you would like to help. If you have any questions about throw in the snow or need crash space please e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at (319)-550-5560.
Izzy and Dayne Lockheart