Griffin Köford

From AmtWiki

Man at Arms Griffin Köford, of Seven Sleeping Dragons, Westmarch, Dragonspine

Griffin Koford Heraldry.gif
Griffin's Heraldry
Home Park Seven Sleeping Dragons
Kingdom Dragonspine
Year Started 2006
Noble Title None
Belt Status MaA to Deimos

"Your words cause panic!"


I started playing Amtgard at a demonstration held during Polycon in 2006, and, something like 5 months later, I found myself in the position of Prime Minister for the then-Shire of the Seven Sleeping Dragons. Since then, I've tried, with some success, to keep abreast of the growing amount of work involved in running first a slightly larger Shire, then a Barony. Thus far, I have, at least, not presided over a failing audit.

A certain amount of credit for this last accomplishment must go to Lady Faye, who did basically all of the work on one audit while I was hepped up on Vicodin after dislocating my right knee on the field.

More recently, I have acquired a Man-at-Arms belt from Baron Squire Deimos, and I am, in fact, writing this very-mini biography section while taking a break from the endless applique involved in making a belted-family tunic.

Belted History

Belted Family

Man-at-Arms to Baron Squire Deimos (September 2008)

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments