Tatsu Clan

From AmtWiki

Are YOU! bored of being alive? Do YOU need a reason for hari kari? Well look no farther! Not that you could see us anyways, we are always behind you!

The Tatsu Clan intends to bring an eastern twist to a dominantly western world of roleplay with the Ninja as our main theme. We imploy stealth tactics on and off the battlefield, but we are not without a sence of honor. Anyone out there who needs reliable soldiers, spys, assassins, or thieves we have your back... for a price.


Back Story

A mysterious band of rebels from a distant land known as Engoku, the Tatsu Clan opposed a tyranous emperoror and a Shogun known as Haratori Hanzo who ruled the land with an iron fist under the leadership of an ex-samurai shinobi named Nakadai Katsumoto. The Tatsu Clan, because they did not have the numbers or the weapons or equipment to engage the Shoguns army in open battle, engaged there enemies using stealth and gorila tactics. Although very skilled, this was not enough to tip the odds in there favour. 
It was not until they discovered another group of rebels from a distant land known as Blackspire that it seemed they had a chance. Katsumotos scouts sighted enourmouse sea vessels decimating and plundering the emperors merchant and trading vessils. Even taking on the emperors navy successfuly. Katsumoto thaught would make powerful allies.
When these pirates came to shore Katsumoto and some subordinates aproached them in peace with a proposal for them. It seemed that they shared a common enemy and could help one another. The Pirates explained that they too were rebels from a distant land and that they plunder ships in order to steal suplies and funds for there own rebelion back home. A deal was struck between these pirates and ninja that if the pirates suplied Katsumoto with weapons, soldiers and provided sea cover that upon there victory the Tatsu clan would help the Pirates with there own rebelion. The Tatsu Clan were finaly powerful enough to openly oppose the Shogun. 
Using the weapons provided to them from there new allies the Tatsu Clan achieved their first victory against Hanzos army, but when they returned to there forest hideout they found it overrun by Hanzo and his elite Samurai. Katsumoto quickly flead with his ninja closer to the shore, allowing Hanzo to follow with intention of leading them within firing range of the Pirates canons. But when they arived the pirates targeted Katsumoto and his Ninja instead. What followed after was not a battle, but slaughter. Katsumoto himself, remembering his Samurai heritage stood his ground, slaying 30 of Hanzos men before drawing his last breath.
Amongst the confusion a handfull of the Tatsu clan, under cover of darkness and fog unveiled some escape rafts that the pirates were not aware of and drifted out to sea stowing away on the ships of the traitorous pirates. Among them were Kurokusai, Lit-Vire Moon and Katsumotos only son Nakadai Tadokoro. Whilst stowed away on the vesils they learned that the pirates were in league with Hanzo from the start and recieved a large reward for revealing the rebels hideout and assisting in crushing them. They learned that these pirates are not rebels, but greedy thieving murderers who only interest themselvs with treasures. They have no sence of honor.
It was not until the pirates landed at port in Blackspire that they learned of the stowaways, By then it was too late, they had already escaped and blended in with this new land, but not before killing several crew members and tossing much of Hanzos "reward" overboard.
The tatsu clan now exist somewhere in Dragonsforge, living as mercinaries for hire under the leadership of Nakadai Tadokoro. There they are rebuilding there clan and gaining new, more trustworthy allies with plans of returning to Engoku to finish there rebelion, and taking revenge against those who betrayed them.


Tatsu clan.jpg

Ninja Council

Nakadai, Ninja of Shadow

Lit Vire Moon, Ninja of Grass

Jebus, the Sexecutioner


Lit Vire Moon ~ [email protected]