Piper Lesonette

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Revision as of 23:20, 8 December 2008 by (talk)

Woman At Arms to Sir Angrist, Piper is a Drow who originated and resides in the Kingdom of Crystal Groves, but took a short sabbatical to join Black Flame. There she held office 3 times. She is a member of the Flaming Dragons cooks guild, House Bacon, and an officer in the Black Cross Pirates.

She enjoys sailing, drinking, ordering people around, telling her knight "no," and singing, especially when she's drunk. Fortunately it's good singing, or she wouldn't have ANY respect. She keeps company with the rest of her belted family most of the time. Although she fights, her favorite aspects of Amtgard are Service, and RP.

  • "I mean you don't take any shit, but you don't come back with this big catty retard storm like so many people are fond of" -Potato
  • "It was TOO MUCH for Piper. MORE than she could TAKE." -Asmund
  • "Of course, Piper needs to carry around a cork screw...never know when the knight wants to open a bottle of wine or perform an emergency tracheotomy." -Sir Angrist
