Banish (V7)

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Revision as of 00:33, 15 October 2008 by Mithrandiel (talk | contribs) (Revised errors and added Amtgard 7 Monsters)

A spell and Extraordinary ability with identical effects.

Banish (S, Spirit)


Undead or extra-planar creature.


Repeat x5 "I banish thee monster"


20 ft.


Monster is removed from play for a 300 count. It will come back at the spot where it was Banished--does not count as a life lost for the creature. Three successful Banishments on the same life of a creature will kill the creature.


May not be dispelled. Only usable on undead and extra-planar creatures.

Who gets it?

Monk gets Banish at 4th level once per life as an Extraordinary ability; Level 2 Healers may buy it as a spell.

Monsters Who Banish

Things to know