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Darklords are particularly evil individuals. They want to rule the world and have the means to do it. Darklords exude an evil aura (roleplaying evil does not mean being a hazard on the field). In general appearance, Darklords hardly differ from any other individual of the civilized races. They do, however, occasionally babble to themselves about being evil and taking over the world.


The Darklord is generally indistinguishable from any other combatants, but to be able to distinguish him, he must have a large black favor, headband or armband. He should also be announced at the beginning of the scenario. Loud, incoherent and evil babbling is very encouraged by Darklords and Minions alike.


Type: Extra-Planar Humanoid
Q/M Ratio: 2/1 (QUEST)
Armor: Per Player Class
Weapons: Per Player Class
Immunities: Per Player Class
Lives: Unlimited (see below)

Abilities and Traits

  • Create Minion (Undead Players) The Darklord must take an opponent (dead or alive, Darklords prefer dead), by means of

subdual or dragging dead bodies, back to the Darklord’s lair. Once there, the opponent may either become a Minion on the Darklord’s team or drop out of the game. Becoming a minion is permanent and may not be reversed. Note: The Darklord is not undead, but the Minion is. The Minion must now play the remainder of his/her lives on the Darklord team. The Minion plays these lives as per the class he/she was playing when captured as normal. The Minion is affected by Banish and Turn Undead and gains the Undead Type.

they had in before being corrupted by evil. Each Darklord must choose a class and play it at a level they have attained.
Levels: Per player class.

The Darklord Scenario

Materials: Black headbands for the Darklord and his Minions.
Set-up: Send the Darklord into the woods, with or without any Minions. The rest of the populace makes up the other team. The Darklord should be a tough, experienced player.
Object: A lesson in futility. The Darklord has unlimited lives, and anyone who is slain by the Darklord becomes a minion for the remainder of their lives. Eventually the Darklord’s team will win, but the fun comes from seeing who survives the longest. Remember though, only the Darklord can make Minions! Minions still use their normal life allotment; they just switch teams until shattered. Notes: The Darklord should not be used outside of this battlegame. If the Darklord is playing a spellcasting class, his spells run out as normal.

  • 1) Give the Questors a chance. Make this scenario part of a larger battlegame or Quest and provide some means for the Darklord’s ultimate destruction.
  • 2) Give the Questors a means to reconvert slain Minions. The battle then takes on a Tug-O-War approach, with players switching sides every life. In this version, all Questors should be given two headbands or markers at the outset to make changing sides manageable.
  • 3) Allow Minions to convert Questors, too (despite the usual restrictions against it). This makes the action even faster and more furious. Be sure everyone understands whether or not this option is being used, as it will make all the difference in how quickly teams change.